Hi guys! I've a problem with your svf collection. I've a german svf file from GezoeSloog's collection: de_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714410.svf SHA-1:2EFD2F2F74AF97B5A0E4297AD23D54E6371328C1 And I've LostED's sha1 from github: windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_EN2XX-SVF SHA-1: b4e9bdf98460edf31fe619470186a649301e7e74 LostED's SHA-1 doesn't match GezoeSloog's file. What's wrong here?
from mine, yes (i put some text inside of them) try to make the same svf from same files & report if they got the same checksums
yes, usual always different it depend on the settings (options), x64 or x86 gui or console version, used to create the svf
Hi guys! I've it converted, my first svf patch. German svf file from GezoeSloog's collection: de_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714410.svf SHA-1:2EFD2F2F74AF97B5A0E4297AD23D54E6371328C1 LostED's SHA-1 from github: de_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714410.svf SHA-1: b4e9bdf98460edf31fe619470186a649301e7e74 My conversion: SHA-1:F4473FF46C3113D0F520114A8A79AC8F9A45BEBC From: en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714415.iso To: de_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714410.iso Sha-1 seems to be always different. I hope that I can trust GezoeSloog's svf patches.
What are the sha-1 hashes from the iso, not the svf (as many have said before, the svf hash will never be the same twice). The iso sha-1 is what counts.
I've probably misunderstood it, sorry! From: en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714415.iso SHA-1 97164DD5C1C933BAEF89A4BDE93D544256134FE4 To: de_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714410.iso SHA-1 8341FB0E1B5F566A9BEB3051289E266314C2421F It's a pity because msdn subscriptions with free sha sums are not visible anymore.