i have the same issue after setup is done i get a crash during second stage setup and it's not a hardware issue because windows 8.1 install fine
It can still be hardware that is causing the problem. I had a problem with it installing on my desktop. It was hardware that cause the problem. Mainly video was what caused the problem. If you can remove your video card then try that.
Is this a laptop. If it is a desktop try removing some hard ware. If it is a laptop disable some hardware then install. Once installed re able the hardware one at a time. Which build are you installing
His CPU is fine for Windows 8.1 and 10TP. So it is not that. His problem is some hard ware. I would have to say either Video or Network.
Yes you are right. There are a few. That is why I said to disable everything and once installed re able them one at a tine restarting each time
Well good work there Lila Never had that much of a problem since Windows 8.0 testing. Just could not get it to install on an IBM Thinkpad. But I did get Windows 8.1 to install on it. Not sure what MS did, but it did install. (Thinkpad T45) You may have to wait until CP get released this month and try it. They may have made some changes (drivers added) I know that all the builds worked on my desktop without any problems until 9901, had problems with my Nvidia GT630 and GTX740. I had to remove the card from system and then still had to go in and remove all traces of Nvidia drivers in reg and other places. Then reinstalled the card, then install the drivers.
This is completely weird. Try evolutional build (its Windows 8.1 with Spring Update): Code: 9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X86FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO SHA1: 4ddd0881779e89d197cb12c684adf47fd5d9e540
I tested all official Windows 8.1 MSDN ISO releases (initial, rollup, update3). I do not think that an intermediate version will work. Thank you anyway for trying to help me!! If anyone from Microsoft or Asus is reading this: I would be so happy if I could at least install Windows 8.1 on my "Asus A9RP" laptop, but installation always crashes right at the start. Windows 8.0 works without problems, but will soon be deprecated.