I give up... I tried 10130 debug version and my computer went crazy... And I can't find the symbols folder in my installation folder
If use install 10130 debug first in to AeroGlass folder then install the main aeroglass afterwards then it saves use from having to disable and enable aeroglass
I don't get it More help please I tried symchk to contact Microsoft server for symbols and it came back with none
I think he means that you can use the old installer and then use the latest files and copy them over where the installer had put the files, and replace.
It because you didn't install in the correct location and using the wrong build symbols. Microsoft has released symbols for 10240 but it incompatible with current aeroglass version. Have to wait until BigMuscle releases aeroglass update
What I did was disconnect my internet and then install Aeroglass Debug 10130 and then Aeroglass 1.3.1 and then add the aeroglass folder to my firewall to block it from the internet so it won't download the symbols. Then enable internet and should work but not as good without symbols
CMD is not using any Aero features I guess, it's doing the transparency on its own using the Win32 API. System-wide would require the DWM to support it (again).
Sure it works because that's what glass8 is for, hooking up the DWM to provide the functionality that has been removed. A solution a little too nasty to me, especially since you need matching debug symbols for every new build of Windows to keep it halfway stable. I'm fine without transparency, but on the other hand I still see no reason why Microsoft is not giving it back to people as an optional feature out of the box. Well, who knows... maybe Sinofsky ordered the source code to be erased and the disks smashed, and now they have a hard time re-implementing it.