Hello, I really dislike the icon o the taskbar ( launchbar), they are too small...Is there a way to increase size in order to have the same size like in windows 8.1 ? I think it's possible with the registry, but i don't know why... Anyone have a solution please ? Thanks a lot
Indeed, that was not meant like that, just for people to easily find reg tweaks, instead of browsing 50 pages. I am actually still trying to find out, what setting causes ShellExperienceHost to close, unable to open Start and Time.
My contribution: Change Desktop Icon's Font Since Microsoft killed off Advanced Window Color and Appearance I searched on how to change your fonts manually. Code: 1) Download this: h t t p s :// docs . googl e. com /open?id=0Bxj5NEo7I3z9a1N1c2h0R2JvSUE and extract to your Desktop 2) In Explorer, Go here: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Fonts 3)Find the font you want to use, If it is a single Font then Right click and select Properties If it is in a font group Double click on the font group, find the font you want then Right click and select Properties 4) In propertis select the Details Tab 5) Double click on IconFont.exe on your Desktop 6) Enter the font name from the Properies/Details Tab 7)Press Enter 8) Open regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics 9) If you want to copy that registry value to other font values like CaptionFont, MenuFont, ... then do so now. 10) Right click on WindowMetrics 11) Select Permissions 12) Select Advanced 13) Check "Replace all child object permission entries...." 14) Click on Disable inheritance 15) Select Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object 16) Select one at a time the SYSTEM, Administrators and Users Principals and change each from Full Control to Read by Selecting each one then clicking on Edit then unchuck Full Control then click on OK 17) If you ever need to go back change a key you will need to change the Owner to the Admiinistrators. 18) Click OK on all windows to close them then either log out or reboot. You have to set permissions to Read only otherwise Windows will reset them back to Windows Default Settings on the next log in or reboot. It is also a good idea to also change the permissions of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace] After deleting the reg keys to get rid of the Folders in My PC so that they don't revert back after a Windows Update. NOTE: That is not my app but found it while researching this.
OK. This might have uninstalled it but for me, it still shows SkyDrive when I right click a file on my desktop.
Is there a command to take ownership of all keys at once? Also, I did just the 1st one: And it worked. I didn't need to do the second one. What does the 2nd line do?
Does this one really work? I can't find WindowsUpdate inside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\ He describes what 0 to 2 does but what does 3 do? Is there anyway to make it ask if I want to install a specific driver? I'm just worried because when I was a insider it kept installing old AMD drivers while the latest one was 15.6.
It works for me in my test in VMware. I have ne notification in the action center, but no auto download or install. I have to go to Windows Update, clic "search update" and then it will show and install. In my VM it works for several days now, i don't know it would be different in a live machine. And i use 10 Pro, not Home. It is because when i originally post the tweak i used 1 to 3 and no 0 to 2 and it was a mistake. I just forgot to edit the HKEY, i will edit it. But in case, always follow the description with the parameters and the differents options to choose the one you want to use, and not copy / paste blindly.
im not able to link post, so h**p://i.imgur.com/OxpMx8W.jpg?1 Any thoughts on this one ? Edit : Im using windows 10 Enterprise LTSB ver
not that, my problem is that i can't pin my own apps there I am able to pin most used apps and recent ones
So i don't see the problem then ? It is a recent or a most used app list. "Pin" apps are in the right section of the start menu where all the square are, or on the taskbar, not in this list on the left side.
Disables Cortana but keeps the functional research dword:00000000 = No Cortana + Search OK dword:00000001 = Cortana OK + Search OK Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search] "AllowCortana"=dword:00000000 i created a reg file and it doesn't work on enterprise lase created a key and dword under policies\microsoft\windows\windows search still doesn\t work where can i find allowCortana in registry thx.i searched but couldn't find it
Pretty sure i can do it while using windows preview. And some website also post-it how to add those app to the left side howtoge*ek.com/197836/8-ways-to-customize-the-windows-10-start-menu (remove *)
Yeah, in old Insider Preview maybe, your article show a free resizable start menu in 10046 or 10061 maybe, that doesn't exist anymore.