1. is possible to find out if an installed win 10 is a clean install or an upgrade from a previous version ( 7 , 8.1 ) ? maybe somewhere in registry ? 2. for an installed win 10 as upgrade from 7 or 8.1 the old product key for 7 or 8.1 is or not saved somewhere in registry ? [for recovering pupose] 3. is possible to find out if an installed win 10 is an insider build or RTM (1,2...) ? c
to own the Windows registry hi, anyone know how a registry key to own the Windows registry, please? thanks by advance wiki
I don't understand what you are asking for. You want a registry key to lock/unlock access to Windows registry?
To take ownership of the whole registry, that is a very bad idea, you should take ownership only of keys you need to, not all of it, otherwise prepare to reinstall ASAP, it can not be restored easily. Many keys require SYSTEM or other entities to be owners. Then again, we learn from mistakes.
hum strange my notebook LG C400 works fine (with windows 10 pro version 1511) and uses same synaptics touchpad, sometimes appear as Dell touchpad driver in some instalations of Windows 7 & 8.1
Hey 1. Is there any registry entry or generally a way to get the Start context menu from 10240 on 10586? Pressing "more" to run anything as administrator grinds my gears. 2. Is it possible to define new Quick Actions (notification bar) manually and modify the behavior of the default ones?
i use windows 10 pro installed from my usb stick microsoft files are untouched on the stick no sdk , no unattended things anyway , i have in the root of the stick an extra folder with some needed files for access them i must make a browse on the stick is possible to find this folder or some files already on the desktop after a clean install ? or maybe a shortcut ? in windows xp was possible in unattended mode with winnt.sif file and $oem folder i just want my folder or its shorcut on the desktop on first boot without sdk or answer files. thank you c
I know in bootable usb stick/disk you have only the files of the OS but not folder (with files) you added to the usb stick. What the problem to buy more usb stick the minimum size for your files ?
is not a problem at all I asking only if is possible. if the files are in the root of usb stick or anywhere else in the usb stick (like in XP) the taked size is the same for the usb stick my need is to copy them to desktop before first boot to find them there c
ok , ok no matter before first boot or after I just want to be there on the desktop when I saw for the first time the desktop without touching the mouse or keyboard or tapping. without browsing. I want to run immediately a custom compiled autoit script with all my tweaks and so more. probably I'm to lazzy , but I know this is doable in XP just putting the files in a folder (X:\$OEM$\$$) xp copy them automatically to desktop. no matter when , but are there in XP user desktop ready for use when I see for the first time the XP desktop. after a fresh install thank you
Files/Folder on desktop ready to use after first boot on clean install Done . Solved . For having already available on desktop file(s) and/or folder(s) right after first boot [when you will see for the first time the desktop ] after a clean install must just copy them in that location in your bootable DVD or bootable USB stick with your win 10 installation files. this location is not assigned to the current user folder , is for public folder but no matter you will have on the desktop after first boot and you can use them directly. is the same mechanism as in windows XP , only the path is a little bit different. works 100% with win 10 , most probably also with 8.x , 7 , vista. tested on genuine iso_win_10_pro_en_x64 downloaded from microsoft untouched (i just only created the $oem$ folder) and also , probably the job can be done with/within any system/custom folder setting the proper path/pathes. /edit_1 verified , works on 8.1 also /edit_2 verified , works on 7sp1 also c
To install Group Policy Editor for Windows 10 Home Usage: Create/Save an install script, and run it as Administrator Online: Add-Packages-Online.cmd Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >List.txt dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>List.txt for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . List.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\%%i" pause Offline: Add-Packages-Offline.cmd Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" dir /b E:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >List.txt dir /b E:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>List.txt for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . List.txt 2^>nul') do dism /image:E: /norestart /add-package:"E:\Windows\servicing\Packages\%%i" pause [Note] This workaround works for Security Settings as of now.
tested on a win 10 home. works like a charm . thank you . Q : is possibly to add remote desktop as host to a home/core in same way ? c