I check the problem in previous update and it still get the smiley with additional of couple small letters.
Make Action Center remain opened in Windows 10. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Launcher] "DisableLightDismiss"=dword:00000001 Use this tweak to turn on having the action center always remain opened until closed by clicking on the action center icon or pressing the Win+A keys.
Is there a way to get the OLD Windows update client in the control panel ? I knew there was a way in the early versions of Windows 10 builds but, later ones I hear they are blocked. The newer Windows Update on Windows 10 is a joke...
As said, classic tweaks work fine, unless they plan to remove them. We will see, maybe in Creator Update. Thanks for info though.
I just found no reason to keep the Action Center pane opened forever. Better when it disappears automatically, like it is set out of the box.
Disable Virtual Desktop Switching on Mouse Hover in the Task View (Win+Tab) When you hover your mouse pointer over a virtual desktop thumbnail, that particular desktop is selected, and the thumbnail preview of open windows in that virtual desktop are shown in the switcher interface above. You can disable this behavior. Switching virtual desktops via the Task View interface will require a mouse-click. Go to this folder: Code: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer Create a DWORD value named HoverSelectDesktops and set it to 0. Logoff and login back to apply the change.