Windows 10 upgrade is FORCE installing to Win 7/8/8.1 PC's, without user consent!

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by MysTikAL3, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Mutagen

    Mutagen MDL Addicted

    Feb 18, 2013
    MS is forcing me to eat my words. My two Win8.1 machines re-enabled the W10 upgrade and I've had to deselect it and hide it again. My Windows 7 machine remains "fixed", so far.
  2. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #102 MysTikAL3, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  3. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    Well at least you admited you were wrong, but you used a weak metaphor instead of saying it explicitly. MS does whatever it wants to it's operating system, and you have no rights at all. You can tweak whatever you want and MS can tweak it right back, or it can allow it to look like you've disabled something but you haven't as MS changed it and made it look like it's still disabled. Keylogging for example, or password sharing. Exactly like malware. No different than malware. Same thing as malware. It's malware. By any definition of malware, Windows 10 is malware. There no other word for Windows 10 BUT malware. It's not "close to being malware" or "living next door to malware" or "dated malware in college" or "dressed up like malware and smoking a cigarette on the street corner", it IS malware. Everyone runs around crazy like Islamic Terrorist victims with their heads cut off, yelling crazy things like "It's not malware" and "But it looks so BEEYOOTEEFUL!" and also "It's the newest and the best" and "millions of people all agree that Win10 does NOT smell like feces, as so many uninformed people claim" and also "People that don't like Windows 10 suffer from SPS (Small Penis Syndrom)" etc.... Blood spurting up in the air from the stump where their head used to be, running around flapping their arms anytime anyone calls Windows 10 malware, (because it's malware). And every time I read one of these Microsoft sycophantic posts I realize that most people are really GLAD to take the blue pill. Their problem is that everyone around them must lie and pretend that things are a certain way in order to maintain their comfortable illusions and they get REALLY pissed when you screw-up their delusional fantasies about "how things are".

    No one has to "prove" anything here. There's no technical proof necessary. "Software as a Service" means MS can legally do whatever they want, and they've already signaled to the world exactly what it is that they want. They want to share your passwords, they want to log your keystrokes, they want to upload data to whoever they want, they want to change their operating system to do whatever they want it to, whenever they want, etc... No talk necessary. No arguments needed. Everything the interested User needs to know is right there to see and know. The only effort that's required is in trying to recreate and then maintain the illusions of privacy and electronic rights with regard to the use of Microsoft Products, and the average blue-pill taking retard demands that everyone around them must put time and energy into maintaining a certain level of stupidity and self-censorship so that the retarded do not get upset.

    As we all know what happens when a troop of baboons gets "trolled". They start hooting, and howling and then start demanding that someone do something in order to fix whatever illusory problem they think they have (but don't, and won't, know they've created themselves).
  4. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @November_Zulu: Bravo! Well said!

    Two things:

    A ) You forgot to mention the "Mud People".


    B ) If people want to play real-life frogger on a superhighway, then that's their choice. Apart from laughing at the occasional self-made calamity, I couldn't care less.

    I think that people who climb mountains at the risk of their own lives are totally insane. If You jump out of a plane with only a nylon tarp strapped on your back, and You get maimed or killed, that's Your problem, because, In My mind, You knew the risks.

    They know the risks. They're willing to take the chance. I say let 'em.

    The world needs comedic fodder.
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  5. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    #105 November_Zulu, Sep 27, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015







    Using Definition #2, by what method did you arrive at "probable"? Statistical analysis? Extensive surveys? Canvas and poll the opinions of industry experts? Or did you reach WAY up there, past your prostate even, and extract that opinion from your colon? Because "should" is one of those garbage, nonsense, weasel words that people use to hide the fact that they are guessing, and (in your case) using wishful thinking as a replacement for basic common sense and reason.

    You've ignored everything I've written, and you are one of the smart ones.

    SHOULD. As if "Microsoft SHOULDN'T change any registry keys after you "fix" them.

    Who's registry keys are they, that MS "shouldn't" be changing them? Are they YOUR registry keys, that Microsoft SHOULDN'T be tampering with? Do you OWN them? Like you do your massive collection of aboriginal porn videos? Or does Microsoft OWN the registry keys, the .dll files, the .exe files and every single 1 and 0 on their remote server, otherwise known as your hard drive.

    It's like you are saying that I SHOULDN'T be driving the car I allowed you to use. And, not only will I use my car, MY car, anytime I want, I will also charge you money for touching it, and for every mile you put on it, and for every drop of gas, oil and radiator fluid that you use. Cause it's MINE. Just like Windows 10 is Microsoft's. But no, willful, stubborn and marginally retarded children that you are, you insist on living in your fantasy land where the changes you make to someone else's Operating System are presumed to SHOULD be, PROBABLY will be, in ALL LIKELYHOOD be permanent. But they won't, and you can't say that, one way or the other, because none of it is YOURS. You get the USE of the Operating System, Microsoft's Operating System and MS will do whateverthef**k it wants to do with it's Operating System and there's f***-all you can do about it.

    Sure, they didn't change YOUR registry entries. Publish a manual, or better yet create a tool that gets popular and thousands of people adopt your modification to Microsoft's Operating System and THEN what happens? MS decides one day to stick it's fist deep up inside your p*(* chute and changes it's reigstry back the way it was, and puts a big old DANGER WARNING screen where your desktop photo of two naked aboriginals "doing it" used to be, and they lock you out of THEIR Operating System until you click several EULAS confessing your crime and promising to never do it again.

    Cause you are Microsoft's b****, that's why. You get to pretend to have freedom until you are a problem and then you get swatted down like the feeble insect that you are.

    Should. You should read the definition of the word "should". You should stop using the word "should". You should stop trying to create some beautiful illusion of power over Windows 10 and you should stop lying to other people about how you can make it last forver and ever and ever; the everlasting gobstopper of modifications because Microsoft SHOULD allow you to make illegal modifications to THEIR operating system, only they aren't going to you and you SHOULD wake up and smell the coffee.
  6. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    Think any of them are within a thousand miles of this place? They're on another website, looking at pictures of Kim Kardasian's gentials, and wondering "Who da Daddy" be.
  7. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    November_Zulu: Are You sure You ain't from Brooklyn :laie:
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  8. Underclocked

    Underclocked MDL Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    Well, I'm still upset with MS for downloading this crap Windows 10 to an eighty-plus year old friend of mine's computer. Of course she trusted the almighty Microsoft to be doing something good for her computer and didn't really mind what she saw after the upgrade. She shut down her trusty and problem free Gateway all-in-one for the night and it never booted again. Some people say that was just coincidence and I have no way to prove otherwise, but it was one very strange coincidence. I think Microsoft owes my elderly friend a new computer and several dollars for her troubles.

    A major class action lawsuit would be something I would be very glad to see.
  9. P.J

    P.J MDL ☂

    Jul 30, 2009
    Disable winupdate service :death:
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  10. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #111 MysTikAL3, Sep 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  11. Mutagen

    Mutagen MDL Addicted

    Feb 18, 2013
    Request for KillGatesAndBallmer.vbs
  12. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
  13. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @MysTikAL3: Awsome! :laie:
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  14. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
  15. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    #116 November_Zulu, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
    Until one day Microsoft notices that you've illegally altered their Operating System, and they copy all "your" data to your next door neighbor's hard drive, wipe your hard drive and reinstall windows, then bring back your data and set up their computer they way they like it.

    And then they lock you out of your computer, until you sign several EULA's agreeing to never break the law again.

    You really SHOULD stop lying to people.

    And, in 5 years the people still screwing around with that lame-a66 lawsuit will receive checks for abotu $7.00. The idea that there is some hope for justice in a class action lawsuit is also a lie. The US department of justice made a deal to allow Microsoft to be an unconstitutional and illegal monopoly years ago, in exchange for handing over whatever data and information the NSA demanded. Same-same for google.


    Jan 25, 2012
    :laie: :laie: :laie:
    Does this apply to other products? 'Cause I don't want Armani to sue me for wearing my underwear on top of my spandex pants. You know...I'm a Superman fan. :laie:

    :eek::eek::eek: Is this a trick question in disguise? :D
    We know, but hope...never fails.
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  17. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #118 MysTikAL3, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    Really? Illegally altered you say...:druff:
    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...just wishful thinking on your part...:ball2:
    I have some news for you Microsoft fanboi, nothing the script does, nor uninstalling Microsoft's INVASIVE crap they are forcing onto our PC's is illegal.
    Doesn't even come close to 'altering the system'...:rolleyes:
    Your statement is nothing but BS...

    However, on the other hand, everything that M$ is doing in pushing Windows 10 onto our PC's without our consent, IS downright ILLEGAL !

    And yes you are a M$ fanboi, because you are just trying to discredit methods that work to help users protect their own property!

    Actually the amount will likely be much higher, but just for the sake of argument, multiply that by 10's of millions of people, and potentially 100's of millions 'devices' legal fees...:rolleyes:

    M$ may have some amount of immunity in the US because after all they are, and have been, working with the NSA and the current Washington administration.
    But know that M$ needs much more than the US populace to survive...this class action suit in the US is only a 10 second preview of many lawsuits and beatings that Microsoft and Windows 10 will take from other countries, their people, their governments, and worldwide business...:eek:

    You neglected to even mention it, consumer rights, our rights, our property.
    You vastly underestimate the the power of the people, consumers.
    MS is really pissing off millions of consumers and businesses worldwide over Windows 10, and their new 'business model'.
    When the people are angry and enraged at Microsoft's Bull$**T as we are now, that alone has infinitely more power than any class action suit ever could.
    Consumers anger worldwide speaks volumes...Windows 10 is going the same route as Windows 8, and much worse...

    Once again, this lawsuit is but a drop of water in the coming tidal wave of other actions against Microsoft over Windows 10.

    Everyone I know, both personal and business, less than 2% of them are not outright furious with Microsoft's actions, and Windows 10 in general....:mad:
  18. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    Thanks....THIS really made my day...:laie:

  19. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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