What do you mean - "how are these torrents"? The spoiler shows checksums and filenames, follow the "torrent" link to get the actual torrent file and then try it in your torrent client.
Only available as ESD: Version 1703 15063.0.170710-1358.rs2_release_svc_refresh / Include KB4022405, KB4025342, KB4025376 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-esds-repository.59082/#post-992532
moderators! am i allowed to post ed2k links about files mentioned in the original post? ed2k links are used in ed2k clients like amule or emule.
yeah, there are slow, sometimes very slow. i don't know where to put average but downloads take days or even more. however some files are faster though but even with those it takes hours.
Only if you've Windows 10 Pro activated by digital license. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1361229/
Sorry, my bad! It was late last night, but I found it. Mind does not work right with no sleep. Thank you, and I'm sorry....
how about to click on the word torrent ? torrent is not just a word it is also a link to a torrent file 1. read 2. think then post