I would certainly agree with you. There's not a thing in the world wrong with the default wallpaper in Win 10. After looking at it for a while, some might want to change up for a bit. You know how it goes...
I'm prone to this. I can find the most stunning wallpaper in the world but a couple of days later just have to have a change. Of course there are some I keep but I tire of the same wallpaper quite quickly.
You couldn't have said it better! That happens to be my exact malaise also, and as a result, I have a TON of wallpapers, most of which I have only used for a short period of time, then I move on to another. But do you think I can ever bring myself to clean out my Wallpaper folder?? NOOOooooooo, never! I think I'm displaying symptoms of ADD and Hording, all at once... haha
@Evides Hey, my friend, I have your new meter almost done. I have all of the 'behind the scenes' items laid out, but I need some input from you. What would you like this to monitor on your system? And would you want mostly graphical indicators, or text indicators? Or perhaps a mixture of both? A quick spoiler alert.... I have had trouble being inspired doing a half face, half PC board type meter, as you mentioned, so I have in mind one that centers around her face. What would you think of something like that? I thought of using her eyes as indicators for overall CPU % speed and the other one for anything you'd like... RAM, Network speed, temp... whatever you want. Not using needles and numbers of course, that would detract from her face, but in a new, sort of innovative way. I think you'll like it, if you're good with using her face? So, what I'm asking for is a list of items you want included with this gizmo, and I'll do my best to make it happen. So far, I've got the colors matched and the code written, just waiting to do the graphic stuff now, after I hear back from ya. Thanks!
Let's try a mixture... Great, let's go with that for now..! I would like to see the following functions: CPU RAM Temp Shutdown & Restart (no Sleep, I don't use that). Volume (including ON/OFF switch). SSD (no Swap). Upload Download What do the ON/OFF buttons in the top right hand corner do..? CPU & RAM on/off..? Thanks in advance...
Excellent! I'll move forward using her face as the 'base of operations'. I believe the two eyes will become the focal point, so for one last question, what would you want the two eyes to indicate? I'm thinking CPU and CPU Temp, but you're the one who'll be using it, so you have final say. I understand all the other items you want included, and it all sounds very do-able! The ON/OFF buttons in the top right of my meter just turn ON and OFF the lights in the two glassed analog readouts. More for show (and I suppose showing off) that anything else, as I usually leave them both illuminated. You're most welcome, it's been fun working on the project, as I've never tried incorporating a face into something such as this. As soon as I know what you want her two eyes to indicate, I'll move forward. Shouldn't take long from there. (fingers crossed) lol