Windows 10 will not install

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by budeone, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. budeone

    budeone MDL Junior Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    I just tried with an iso with the new build and I get the same errors.. I guess they needed to fix 7000 and 1... :p :p
  2. WaltC

    WaltC MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2014
    I had no trouble upgrading a spare 8.1x64 machine to 10TPx64, and I did it from the mounted .iso on a hard drive USB, no DVD required. And then just to make sure, I repeated the in-place upgrade of 10TP from the same mounted 10TP .iso that I used to update from problems. (In fact, this is the preferred method of reinstalling because it preserves all of your files & installed programs--method worked in 8/8.1, too, and I just wanted to see if it still applied to the 10TP. It does...;))
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