This. On the Enterprise leaked 10176 build, there's no option to select the LTS branch under WU (just to Defer Upgrades,like Pro)
Lol you're on MDL forums Does that answer your question! Though yes it's funny that entitled people think their thing deserves its own thread instead of the 10240 mega thread.
I go offline and every time I come back to Mdl there's another 1000 useless threads that I see It gets tiring after a while IMO
Bro. Zip it. Thank you First off don't snap at me I'm making my point clear and expressing myself. So in return don't create useless posts by telling me what I should do
And you spamming Thread Closed in almsot every thread you feel doesn't belong on the forum or what ever makes you any better than them? Nope, so why don't you just let the forum staff do their jobs!
Okay fine! But doesn't anybody get it!!! These threads are beyond retarded... I think people either like trolling around or just want to boost their thread count
It's simply YOU do what you complain to others! Simply means, you're not better may even worse! "Do never do to other, what you didn't like they do to you!""
I understand what you mean but you have to agree with me that this is a mess I'm gonna stop with the whole :closed: deal but seriously...
Not wanting to start any flame wars but it's a very important piece of information for those deciding whether or not to instal 10 and it brings it to the attention of those not wanting to read through 200+ pages of fanboys posting things like 'I can't get it yet', 'I'm downloading it', etc. Now I wonder how many enemies I've just created. Perhaps somebody should start a stickied thread 'The pros & cons of win 10' and keep it to relevent facts.
To be honest?: It simply looks like that you're on an Post Hunt Mission! Firstly: that's some thing called Mission impossible!! And secondly: you not do any good for yourself!