Release the kraken ! The emulator image is too much of a hassle...we need oem preinstallations, discs, isos or images...which arent planned anyway. Else...Im ready ;D
For sure there wont be any official support. Im aware it migt be a pa!n in the a$$ to even make such an installation happen...yet having it run flawless. But Im always eager to see what the community will make out of it. It's always super interesting how ppl start making old chipsets or graphic adapters happen. What kind of tricks they use to install Windows 10 on unsupported hardware...even if its close to unuseable. For sure I wont buy a new Windows 10X device either, because the graveyard of Windows Phone and Windows RT and Windows Teams is probably where 10X will end up. I love wasting time reviving old devices. Creating...zombies.