I would like to add KB5006746 to the iso, but I don't know where I download this file to add to the iso.
This is not an updates discussion thread, check the sticky dedicated 22000.xxx thread or ask in the sticky win 11 hotfix thread.
Sorry for the 1,001 questions lately, I've been away from the day to day "hacking" for a long time, I'm a little rusty LOL!! I have the 22000.258 products.xml file for the ESD releases. Is there an easy way to pull all the checksums out of the file into another file so I can verify that the ESD's were downloaded correctly?
Powershell Code: [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath echo ("Name,URL") | out-file -Encoding ASCII ./_esds.csv $doc = [xml](gc ./products.xml); foreach ($v in $doc.MCT.Catalogs.Catalog.PublishedMedia.Files.File) { $f = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($v.FileName); $h = $v.Sha1; $u = $v.FilePath; echo ($f + "_" + $h + ".esd," + $u) | out-file -Encoding ASCII -Append ./_esds.csv } Import-Csv ./_esds.csv | sort name –Unique | ConvertTo-CSV -notype | % {$_ -replace '"',''} | out-file -Encoding ASCII ./_esds_sorted.csv or if you prefer separate column for hash Code: [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath echo ("Name,SHA1,URL") | out-file -Encoding ASCII ./_esds2.csv $doc = [xml](gc ./products.xml); foreach ($v in $doc.MCT.Catalogs.Catalog.PublishedMedia.Files.File) { $f = $v.FileName; $h = $v.Sha1; $u = $v.FilePath; echo ($f + "," + $h + "," + $u) | out-file -Encoding ASCII -Append ./_esds2.csv } Import-Csv ./_esds2.csv | sort name –Unique | ConvertTo-CSV -notype | % {$_ -replace '"',''} | out-file -Encoding ASCII ./_esds2_sorted.csv extract products.xml from MCT products .cab otherwise, adjust the 3rd command and remove MCT.Catalogs.Catalog. open powershell prompt in the same folder as products.xml and copy/paste the commands
@abbodi1406 I'm sorry, I'm having problems running the Powershell script, I saved it as esdlist.ps1 and I ran it but my system refuses to run it. I changed the group policy to unrestricted and remotesigned but noting happens. Is there any way to convert the script to use in the Command prompt instead?
@abbodi1406 that worked, thank you so much. I told you I've been away from the detailed workings of Windows for a long time, too busy with my job the past few years and I pretty much forgot everything. LOL!! I was totally involved with the SLP/SLIC programming when it was the big thing and then after that, my job demanded 95% of my time but it's all good when we have masters like you on this site.
Is the 21H2 build RTM? (If not, will I get a seamless update to RTM when it's available through Windows update?)