@Enthousiast you have access to the AggregatedMetadata.cab and DesktopDeployment.cab if so you could upload them ?
The links are present here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-11-hotfix-repository.83741/page-61#post-1764972
This has been discussed many, many, many times, IP updates don't install well on cleaned up 2262x installs, inplace/repair upgrade is the only way to fix this (preferably with a not cleaned up ISO).
i used 22621.1 iso to install this system original ms iso.. never cleaned anything...every update got installed the same way i do with this.. but it doesnt install
@DJxSpeedy - always install LCU msu file, not cab/psf - don't mix Beta updates with Public/Preview updates - you are already Beta update with latest/most features enabled, why do you need RP update with less features? @KleineZiege 0x800F081F CBS_E_SOURCE_MISSING is too famous error with Win11 PSFX he doesn't need to show or examine the log to know why it fail
oh forgot to tell...im not enrolled into any channel.. i do the RP / insider updates manual... *edit* i make a full cleaninstall now...and then try again...
22623.xxx -> 22621.xxx Downgrade. Compare numbers in order, not just the final group. Read previous posts, pages.
@Enthousiast how did you get AggregatedMetadata.cab in the current version + desktop deployment ? although it is currently not available