Windows 11 SysTray Tool Tip

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by MrChris, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. MrChris

    MrChris MDL Addicted

    Jun 23, 2007
    I noticed since updating (clean or upgrade) to Windows 11 Pro that the MouseOver ToolTips for all of my icons are more Tall than Wide. Seems to be the case for most if not all my systray icons (MS apps or 3rd Party). Desktop Icons seems to be fine. For example,

    Windows 10 Tool Tip (not toast)
    This is Line 1 of a Tool Tip
    This is Line 2 of a Tool Tip

    Windows 11 Tool Tip (not toast)
    This is Line
    1 of a Tool
    This is Line
    2 of a Tool

    Is there a Reg Setting or something that defines the length of the text in a tooltip?
