option to Show all taskbar tray icons You can still access the ability to turn them all on with the following: Win+R shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} Then at the bottom of the screen, check the “Always show…” checkbox
with one Simple command REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v TaskbarAl /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
A new thread for a tweak that has long been long posted, and many times since? This post in Tweaks and Modifications.
Thanks for saying that, but all my Windows have always been activated since the first boot, including Windows 11.
Is it possible to add an item to the new context menu? (Not in "show more options", but in the first menu)
Can Windows Defender be disabled on W11, notably real-time scanning, and ideally every other feature of it so it isn't just running in the background? Only needed DisableAntiSpyware = 1 on W10.
Warning: this is irreversible First, add reg keys to disable it with @BAU's toggle defender script: Link Next, boot into WinPE/WinRE Open the command prompt, then enter regedit to open the registry editor. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, go to file -> load hive, open the partition where Windows is installed, then browse to \Windows\System32\config, select SYSTEM and hit Open. type offsys for the key name and click ok. Then delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\offsys\ControlSet001\Services\WinDefend After that's done, close the registry editor. In the command prompt, type: (where X is the partition where windows is installed) cd /d X:\ProgramData\Microsoft rd "Windows Defender" /s /q close command prompt and click "exit and continue to windows 11" Hope this helps.
Doesn't work for me. Changes reverted on reboot. Only method that works for me is to forcefully remove reg keys related to the WinDefend service and remove files related to Windows Defender from WinPE/WinRE.
I've tried Defender Control v1.9 but it doesn't last long before Defender is back up and running. So I've created a task to run the Defender Control exe every hour and that seems to work for me.
Two or three attempts I've tried for various things found online - it always restarts itself, but as mentioned Defender Control v1.9 works fine for me.
I have fixed many other things in my latest Unreleased $OEM$ Pack Mid Aug 2021 OEM Pack which worked great at my side on win10 build LTSC to 19041 / 44 not fake wi10 ie win11. Mostly people on MDL stated that my packs break stability of there OS i dont care cuz its working flawlessly at my side as its created for my own use since the first time. Drew84 & Wilenty always played a great role in testing. Aeonx was the first one person i started creating these packs with powershell integerated scripting engine functions executed within bat scripts ie known as GUI Powershell or as simply User Grid View as output shown to User with verbose mode so that user will be known whats going on in the console windows.
Have you found and can you post a successful method to permanently disable Defender in Win 11 is what ppl are asking here?
Sorry to say : No i dont want to share any of my script codes anywhere. & This is the thread i started to share on MDL but MDL Failed not me Reason for Saying this i think everybody knows even dont have a fear that i will be banned again here on MDL . admin specially YEN who reasoned for my ban : [Are You Nuts] are free to do so whatever they think ......