@Xtreme21 Hopefully we can add the missing 06 - SystemAbout.lnk on devices that are upgraded from Windows 10. It's a bug where System entry goes missing on such devices. But it is present on Fresh install. Would it be possible to get System back in there? Edit: Got my missing System context menu entry back. Just copied over the same shortcut from fresh install over to the upgraded install and deleted redundant powershell and cmd entries. Restarted explorer.exe from taskmanager. Thanks for the quick solution. So for those who have upgraded from Win 10 -> Win 11 and are missing items from right click on Start Button, this is the fix.
As you may know the Win-X menu is complicated, how shortcuts are made and named etc, see the article I linked to in post above. Best I can get to is System, but unzipping the attached to the correct path will restore it (restart Explorer). Code: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\WinX\Group3 Update: @d5aqoëp Apologies, posted over you. Good job, nice one. This is useful if you're into fiddling about and needing to restart Explorer.
Also, sort of related, would it be possible to add Windows Terminal Preview shortcuts to the menu as well?
Apologies if I'm barking up the wrong tree, I've no knowledge of it, is it all the settings now available from the Terminal window menu? Set PowerShell or Cmd as default, apply effects etc? If so that is now achieved via the Terminal window menu. Also colour scheme/effect applied to the Cmd/Powershell window via the same Terminal window menu. Again, apologies if I'm mis understanding.
I'm referring to the actual Windows Terminal Preview app, which is basically a beta version of the regular Terminal app, that you can download from MS Store. Was wondering if shortcuts to it could be added to the WinX Group3 folder.
Another Add-ins used to Clean Temp Folders. Code: @cls @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion title Temp Folder's Cleaner cd /d "%~dp0" 1>nul 2>nul fltmc || (1>nul 2>nul pushd "%windir%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\" && ( (set args=%*)&(if /i '!args!' NEQ '' set args=-arg '!args!') powershell "Start """%~dpf0""" -Verb RunAs !args!") || ( >"%temp%\Elevate.vbs" echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^).ShellExecute "%~dpf0", "%*" , "", "runas", 1 "%temp%\Elevate.vbs"&del /q "%temp%\Elevate.vbs">nul) exit) call :DestryFolder "%Windir%\Temp\" call :DestryFolder "%Windir%\assembly\tmp\" call :DestryFolder "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\" call :DestryFolder "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Comodo\Cis\tempscrpt\" call :DestryFolder "%Windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\" timeout 6 exit /b :DestryFolder set targetFolder=%* if exist %targetFolder% ( rd /s /q %targetFolder% if exist %targetFolder% ( for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('dir /b/s /a-d %targetFolder%') do move /y "%%g" "%temp%" ) else ( md %targetFolder% ) ) goto :eof
I've binned it now mate and restored my VM's. Wonder if you could make the shortcut to always run as Admin and if Win-X menu editor would correctly code it. Test it - see if starts as Admin?
I'm using an early beta of Start11. I guess those of us who use a replacement start menu have our favourites, it's always been Start10 for me, just felt a bit more polished than OpenShell, StartIsBack++ whatever. Seing this Explorer Patcher has given hope for how Stardock may further develop the Taskbar settings in Start11. However it still doesn't look like we'll see the return of the Quick Launch bar, I tried to add the folder in Explorer Patcher/Taskbar/Toolbars - it doesn't work.
Since my English is not good, I use google translate. I hope you understand what I mean. I know you will do whatever you can. With this application, we understand how you have been working willingly since the first day of Windows 11. I'm sure there will be more good works. Good luck.