... personally think it should be represented here, however... Having toyed with this (an earlier version) was looking forward to seeing what improvements would be brought to the table. However BIG BUG.... Looks great but doesn't see any of my functioning HDDs (and they are many), SNMJT ATM strangely enough, it does however see (recognise) the 1 corrupted drive that I have been labouriously trying to rescue data from
Can someone provide commands to fully remove: - First Steps (win11) app And is it possible to fully remove the folliwing apps and stuff without any problems or system instability or other issues or disadvantages?: - Your Smartphone - Cortana thanks!
why dont u use [usergridview] for a fully grid view of apps then which apps are selected from that Powershell GUI will be removed. plus u can use aliases for powershell params ie nop for noprofile ep for exectionpolicy c for command etc etc.
never mine … just updates it to this. + Phone (YourPhone) + 549981C3F5F10 (Cortona) Code: echo == Remove UUP Apps for %%# in (549981C3F5F10,Recorder,Alarms,Phone,Films,Music,People,Automate,Sketch,XBox,Maps,3DBuilder,Wallet,Weather,Reality,Note,BingNews,BingSports,BingFinance,ZuneMusic,ZuneVideo,Notes,Todo,OfficeHub) do ( >nul powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "Get-AppxPackage -Name *%%#* -AllUsers | Foreach {Remove-AppxPackage $_.PackageFullName -AllUsers}" ) Better Version ? Sure.! any suggestion ? Code: echo == Remove UUP Apps for %%# in (549981C3F5F10,Recorder,Alarms,Phone,Films,Music,People,Automate,Sketch,XBox,Maps,3DBuilder,Wallet,Weather,Reality,Note,Bing,Zune,Notes,Todo,OfficeHub) do ( >nul powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "Get-AppxPackage -Name *%%#* -AllUsers | Foreach {Remove-AppxPackage $_.PackageFullName -AllUsers}" )
i mean to say this plz compare [Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Any Thing User Wants to be Displayed as GUI title'] with just a Pipeline : Add a safe removal apps Msgbox before each command with timout of 600 secs so that user will read it & apply the list. Powershell -Command "Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Windows Apps to Remove' | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -Verbose" Powershell -Command "Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select System Apps to Remove' | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Verbose" Powershell -Command "Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Enabled' } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Windows Optional Features to Disable' | Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Verbose" Powershell -Command "Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Installed' } | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Windows Capabilities to Remove' | Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Verbose"
So did I, but to know avail "FilesUWP view is Missing (Not Showing) my C, D, E, F, G,H and J,HDDs" so unusable my end....
Both through all versions so far. StartAllBack restores the Win 10 Taskbar and classic context menus, very customisable, adding of the old Quick Launch bar etc. Start11 doesn't, therefore the taskbar is as standard in Win 11 with very little customization. Start menu wise, there is very little difference between them. However, as has been mentioned, if MS remove the ability to restore the Win 10 taskbar, StartAllBack and ExplorerPatcher etc are in need of change, but surely MS wouldn't do that would they! Is that why Stardock have chosen to not restore it with Start11, who knows! Anyway, IMO StartAllBack is a long way ahead atm and my choice. I've posted screens of them both in the same post somewhere. This post. Screenshots of both. Also, someone recently posted Stardock's announcement of a big update to Start11 soon. Bit naughty to have their beta software only available through a paywall though!
thanks btw I am planning to upgrade and thinking which tweaks makes most sense context menu fix startallback remove web search from start and o&oshutup anything else you guys suggest?
Thanks. That's exactly the registry tweak I used when I posted it here. Irrelevant now anyway, as in my previous post about it the progress dialog when copying etc isn't for me, I'll pass on Files v2.xxx for now.