When I right click on an app, is there a way to go back to the windows 10 and before look instead of having to select more options and then seeing what I want? Tia
Windows 11 Tweaks Fixes And Modifications - Post Index (Restore Classic Context Menus Systemwide) Update: Apologies, posted at same time as Tito.
You don't need to do it manually. Just run the command as it is posted to add the relevant registry entry. Code: reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve The operation completed successfully.
Important to know (For people who want to use this registry in Regirstry Editor and not in Command Prompt) : The value of InprocServer32 should be empty and not "(value not set)".
Hello; STARTISBACK Taskbar (Disable menu) + Shell-Open menu (4.4.160) (I took the Open-Shell menu because I find it more harmonious) An example presentation on Windows 11:
StartAllBack is nice though, and you can set settings taskbar relative to start menu and vice versa (and clear/blur/acrylic):
hello; Startisback is very good I tested with Open-Shell to see the compatibility (there is no interference).
Hi every one, is there a way to open the new W11 Start Menu directly in the "all apps" panel ? To access all the list in 1 clic like W10, instead of 2 in W11 ...
[I know you are Kidding Alien from Space] My AutoUnattend xml Disk Size Increased from 9kb to 36 kb after using WSIM 22000.1 for Combined W10 or W11 Install Scenarios. Lots of Nrew Entries are Added Thanks a Lot to Abbodi1406 For this Idea.
Yes Via Vivetool or Mach2 you can disable enable any hidden feature. Vevetool is very easy peasy but for Mach2 you have to download whole w11 sdk to get only those all pdb files needed for this tool to cross check every feature details plus its magical numerics.
Anyone know if in StartAllBack you can keep the start button and all like in windows 11 in the center but revert it otherwise? I am loving it in the center of my monitor 49 inch ultra widescreen, I never knew I needed it until windows 11 but is it one heck of a neck saver with it in the center.