most of BCOD problems cause by bad driver Or bad software Also cause by hardware failure check what you install lately
acyuta, After installing new AMD chipset drivers with AMD power plan i had thee BSOD per 2 hours. Changed PP from AMD to Balanced and no BSOD at all. That's why i asked you what power plan you had. Try to disable RAM to XMP in bios. I had BSOD with this settings too.
Thanks a lot. Will try but clearly disabling XMP and running 3600 MHz at 2133 Mhz is not anything but a temp fix. Then it will be remove NVME, remove NVIDIA, etc!!! It is a win 11 issue for my PC as it is rare in win 10.
B550i Aorus + 5600X Windows 11 XMP enabled 32 GB 3200 MHz AMD Chipset last driver Bitsum Highest Performance power plan I didn't do the last update two days ago The PC has been on for several days, 0 bsod (I have my PC since december 2020 and I never had any bsod even with W10 or W11).
Any fixes to the borders in Windows 11? Because no matter what I choose in the personalisation options there remains a white border around Windows
ChrEdgeFkOff - make start menu web search or widgets links open in your chosen default browser (firefox ftw! - or whatever floats your boat) - comes as a response to microsoft getting extra-evil in recent 11 dev builds
Do you have 7-Zip or other tool associated with CAB? If yes then it won't work until you remove the association.
Delete WinRar and Zip and reinstall WinRar and 7zip with the settings. otherwise they block it in the context menu.
Clear Needless .tmp Folders Created At Boot By @pf100 Apparently this bug has existed since Windows 10. Clear the repeated needless creation of numerous .tmp folders at boot time: Code: "%systemroot%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local" See @pf100 post. Code: @echo off takeown /F "%systemroot%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local" > nul cd %systemroot%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local for /d /r %%i in (*.tmp) do rmdir /s /q "%%i"
Apologies mate, didn't see that one. It would be good if the coder/scripter folks would tag me as and when you make new useful tools for tweaking/modding, I've noticed and added a few real good ones when reading here and there, and it's clear that ppl find some of these great tools real useful. Sorted now, added to main post index as: Add DISM Info To Context Menu - .iso/.esd/.wim/.vhd/.cab/.msu [Added 15-Nov-2021] Cheers.
Hi folks, I think some versions of W11 don't save window location on reboot/application exit. There's a simple regtweak that works: Spoiler Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "RestorePreviousStateRecalcBehavior"=dword:00000000 Then either restart explorer.exe or reboot. I don't know how persistent it is via updates, etc but I'm sure it should be fine for most installations. Thanks
Does anyone know how to remove the log on pin permanently? I can't seem to find the thread referring that here. Thanks!