Hello! Stupid question..or not.. Does anyone know why my wallpapers changes faster than I set it in Persoanlization > Background? I set it to change every 30 minutes but it changes every minute or so. I have and AMD Ryzen 7 laptop, so I guess it has to do something with the chipset, or the software, because on my other laptop, Intel chipset, it changes every 30 minutes, or however I set it. So, what could it be?
Does anybody know a way to disable/hide the profile button. I don't use profiles and even with everything in gpo related to profiles disabled this button is still there.
Hi. I've been using your script for a long time with great success. This 5.0 last version somehow breaks the functionality of some programs and installers in last windows 11 22621.1485 Some programs are taking minutes to open and then freeze and some are not opening at all. It's creating a lag in the system, very wierd. Not even the Nvidia or AMD control panel are working. And even if using reverse script, the problem remains in the system. I thought maybe it's because of the new service that you put in the script (wscsvc) which is also creating an annoying notification. This service was not killed in earlier versions. I have modified the script not to kill this service but the problem is still there even without it. I have tested on two different systems, one PC and one laptop, both with clean install of Windows. Latest version that I have and it's working without problems it's AntiDefender 2.0
I did check it on the latest v11 and I didn't face any problem at all, not anti script not reverse script, everything work fine share link for the working version, i will take a look
Mound Index [WIM] Append Image [WIM] [search for any *mount* folders] Convert [WIM <> ESD] Optimize [WIM - ESD] Export Index [WIM - ESD] Remove Index [WIM - ESD] [Support Multi Index] Query Image Info [WIM - ESD - SWM] Folder -> Capture to ESD Folder -> Capture to WIM Folder -> Dismount & Commit Folder -> Dismount & Discard Requirements Must place "wimlib-imageX" tool in the system directory, or others (look at %path%) Final Release -> here https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/83744/page-66#post-1784628
I think adding an append option like grabbing a folder into .wim file, and it will add this folder this is a bit challenging, any ideas? All other option, added, and work just fine Edit. Done.
I have exactly the same issue, though I didn't make use of the script. Besides wscsvc which didn't let me, I manually disabled Sense, WdBoot, WdFilter, WdNisDrv, WdNisSvc, and WinDefend in safe mode, and on the next reboot MsMpEng process wasn't running any more, and "Turn Off Microsoft Defender Antivirus" via Group Policy wouldn't revert back to disabled. But executable files were extremely slow to open - their background process would initiate instantly, but it would take a long time to move to the Apps section in the Task Manager, and show up on screen. The system was generally crawling after the change. I had to reverse that by using a system restore point.
So my next project is to add another set of option Folder - image service - remove ... & Add all available options Using PowerShell commands & gui Credit for idea for MDL052020 \ (\_/)^(\_/) from his Script, Remove Windows Apps / Features / Capabilities / Packages using built-in GUI, which is a very good idea. and now in the menu, it's an awesome idea Added ## Auto Load & Un-Load Registry hives Added ## New Hive Menu items, Force Load/Unload Hives Added ## New Remove Menu Using API / DEEP method Improve Error handling, less error, Some bug fixes Remove Inbox Apps by Built-In SafeList (From aveyo) v2 attached using less safe list for inbox apps Deep operations should use with care ... Added ## New Extract option Code: where {$_ -match 'c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515|1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89|E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B|F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE|AADBrokerPlugin|BioEnrollment|ECApp|LockApp|MicrosoftEdge|Win32WebViewHost|AppRep.ChxApp|AssignedAccessLockApp|CallingShellApp|CapturePicker|ContentDeliveryManager|NarratorQuickStart|ParentalControls|PeopleExperienceHost|NcsiUwpApp|XboxGameCallableUI|XgpuEjectDialog|CbsPreview'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | OGV -PassThru -Title 'Select Windows Packages to Remove') Known bugs if the hive is loaded --> [after successful mount operation] Using Any Remove Option [Non-deep] is not available So you must Un-Load the hive via the menu !! ** FIXED ** It's affect capture too So to capture folder later Force un-load registery If the hive is not loaded Using Any Remove Option [deep] is not available So you must Load the hive via the menu !! ** Will return Error, manual Re-Load Hive is needed ** Spoiler: Image
Hello @Dark Dinosaur Where change in script for path for install.wim file be permanent places for folder?
I have two GPUs in my laptop - Intel and nVIDIA - with automatic switching (Optimus). Is there a way to force the new Media Player app to use the nVIDIA GPU for playing videos? I can do it for the Films and TV app but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do it for the new Media Player app.
settings (control replacement)...system.. graphic... there you should be able to set wich GPU gets used by wich program