Thanks for help, I'll test but not sure if it works EDIT : Tested and it works, thank you very much for the info
Update my tweak script link here replace nsudo with better s**t, nsudo fail in ltsc & Windows 11 i replace every command to fix it but now will work fine,
updated mode for process monitor, to catch more system changes, list new added: sudo.exe, powershell.exe, openconsole.exe,PS~_ise.exe, SystemSettingsAdminFlows.exe
or better remove all these and more from svchost Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost then you dont have to sc delete and you get no event viewer interrupts errors also if you delete xboxgip you wont be able to connect xbox controller in the future if one day you needed. i would rather disable it in autoruns or remove from svchost make list of what you removed so i the fututre if needed you can add it back so if you ever in the future would like to connect xbox controller to your pc do not delete xboxgip and xboxgipsvc just disable these in autoruns
update my mode to include MoUsoCoreWorker.exe too that this the windows update worker, WU registry changes, done using him too when you click Pause\resume, this process make the changes
Build 26100 replaces "Registered to Owner" in "About" for classic Paint and classic Calculator (integrated via DISM) to - "User Name" - "Org Name" There are no registry entries for them. How or where do I change them then?
interesting, but a reg tweak works fine from that link. it's been confirmed to work on 24h2 so no need to replace files.
update tweak script, v28.0 remove extra onedrive icons on ltsc 24h2 new lines added. (wtf i want onedrive as default, nope, i don't want) Code: >nul 2>&1 REG Delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f >nul 2>&1 REG ADD "HKCR\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /T REG_DWORD /V "System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" /D 0 /F
Yes, but I would have liked to completely remove the tabs, like the Notepad of Windows 10 or Windows 11 22h2
Is there a hacky way to nullify functions of CTFMon.exe? You can't remove it with DISM/NTLite without causing problems with either typing in text boxes or Immersive Control Panel, but is there a way to unbind it from libraries and sources it uses?