the nice thing is the automated program checks the reg keys to see if your version is right. It turned out I was trying to activate a retail copy of business (which I didn't think made a difference), because the kms program said it wasn't supported. Odd thing was I activated an x64 version off the a DVD from the same source. I even tried rearming and trying to generate a new tokens.dat file and kept getting the 8007000d error.
good morning...kms 5.0 works fine by enterprise x86 ,i need 3-4 times request,but then it works,by enterprise x64 it do not works ,i have try 10-20 times request,but it do not work...i got this error:0x8007232B DNS name does not exist..i do not know,what is the problem..lg claus
next time read a few pages of what ever topic your gonna post a problem in since most of the time someone has had the same problem and a fix has been found .. go 1 page back and there is your answer
Regarding Office support; there are a lot of GVLKs for a lot of different Editions, (Groove, Mondo, Visio, Academic, etc.), do you think it is necessary to add them all or would the one Tuvi posted be sufficient? Whats the big difference between all those Editions anyway?
I think you should hold Office support till it is RTM'd, because the keys available now are for the beta versions.
Ah, OK. Im actually glad to hear that it will be some time as i have a couple of other projects (not related to this site) which i quite neglected lately...
according to WZOR.. the current RTM Escrow will probably end up being signed off as RTM . .. and if not.. only the build number and minor aesthetics will be different..
KMS Schedule @Phazor After startup when you go to Task Scheduler and select KMS Schedule, Last Run Result is (0x800704DD), and activation is not done. I think this is because sppsvc is not running. sppsvc is set by default Automatic (Delayed Start). Maybe you need first to check running of this service? When i manual run KMS Schedule, Last Run Result is (0x0) and activation is well performed.
Firstly thanks alot for your work and documentation Phazor and especially ZWT. I used the guide in ZWT to make it activate, it was a bitch to handle the runas administrator (am not an IT expert) I made that through an .vbs script. I am working on an unattended install and therefore need automated activation through install. It would be great if you could make your tool automated through an command, like -s /s or similiar (just a suggestion ). I will test you next version to see if It will work for me (the standard way from ZWT works but in you tool it doesn't, even if I "run as administrator") Is there a way to add a Task Scheduler through a batch file? I can activate windows through the ZWT way, so now I only need to add Task Scheduler through a batch command, so it will stay activated in future. As i understood I need to start keygen.exe and the run the "slmgr.vbs -ato" command. But I don't know how to make them start with windows, being hidden so they won't annoy at each startup or once a month. Hope you want to help figuring this out.
It works for Office too? So much for VL 2.0 killing unlicensed use. Just increases the IT workload of licensed machines.
It should work for Office 2010, yes. said there doesn't appear to be any OEM:SLP keys, but are GVLK keys for KMS.
It will run in XP. Maybe make a barebones XP VM (nLite, XPembedded, TinyXP) running just kms? 32MB RAM is all that would be needed for the VM.
That's what I did (using nLite), though it wouldn't boot with less than 64MB RAM after I removed the paging file. It just seems like a waste to set up an entire XP VM just to run one tiny executable.
I've spent some time over the weekend attempting to reverse engineer the ZWT keygen to figure out how it works and to gain a better understanding. And obviously some source code would helps other run on different systems. Anyway I have get the IDL interface for the RPC call and a framework that I can send and recieve responses from the activation command. However i'm stuck with the crypto (it's never been a strong point of mine) The ZWT keygen doesn't appear to do that much, it appears to contain a 'canned' response, it then replaces several bytes with data from the input stream, and then some crypto (possible AES/Rijndael) to derive several other bytes before sending the response back. The input data is 252 bytes long and output data is 158 bytes long and the following UNICODE string is contained as hardcoded data in every response 55041-00168-305-190595-03-1033-3790.0000-2692009 I dont know what it's significance is (3790.0000 is possibly build number of Windows Server 2003 OS?) anyone here think they could help us get back to a source code implementation of this KMS emulator? @IH8Activation is WINE capable of running MS RPC (rpcnt4.dll) and the Ndr marshalling?
Has anyone tested Tuvi's office activation technique on XP? I have tried it but I get some error when I type the activate script. Any ideas?
Thanks, I guess i've just demostrated how little I know about KMS activation I better go read some KMS docs...