If you dont mind experimenting a little then uninstall the GVLK and rearm the system. Then try KMSA again. Everyone who did that said it worked fine after that. PS: I currently have two VMs with Enterprise Trial installed, no problems with KMSA.
Since i do know for sure that VMs can be activated with KMSA (done it like a 100 times, and so did many others) im beginning to think that the issue might be with the VM host. What are you using to run the VM? EDIT: Didnt see you latest post. In that case forget the question and just enjoy the ride.
FYI I'm using Vmware Worstation 7.1.2 Will try a 3. test later today, on a VM with slic 2.1 in BIOS. I know I have used KMS 5.0 on a VM before without any problems. And I have used it on Server 2008 R2 VM's also. Why I don't get it to work now (on the first try), I don't know. But I think I used a template before when I setup new VM's and it had SLIC 2.1 in BIOS always. But then I used Vmware Server 2.0.x, not Workstation as I use now. Will update this thread later today.
Just curious, do we know if that yuna.no-ip.info is a leaked, legit resource or a hacker service? Or is it a fictional place that fools the activation component? Been trying a lot of different "solutions" outside of the $300 and I was delighted to see this simple solution actually return a positive result. Will this need to be repeated as well, like using the KMSA programs I see floating around? Seriously though, I'm just curious. Always interested in understanding how these things are constructed. Thanks for all the work you've done and contributed. Robert
Don't know if yuna.no-ip.info if safe or not, I'm only found it on google. It can be gone tomorrow, next week, a year from now, or never. But you never know who monitors the IP activating using that server. And of course you have to activate every 180 days, it's a "normal" KMS server, but not local, but on the internet. So if you don't activate again before it have gone 180 days, your Win7 version get non genuine.
So with this trick I can activate Windows 7 for 180 days over and over again? or it's like -rearm... you can only do it a few times? by the trick I mean KMS 5.0 using a Windows 7 Enterprise Trial. And after activating, will I be able to install the future updates and such? thank you
You can use IR4 infinately in trial hence genuine or set up task with KMS to activate atleast once every 180 days both give you full use and updates also
It's funny how MS didn't do something about this so far. I mean with this trick you don't even need to buy a W7 copy from them, you can keep the trial version forever and most of all, everyone can do it. MS MUST be aware of this... so why not make a stand? Don't get me wrong, I like it this way lol but I'm just curious. @Myhken I didn't quite get this part "You are not running any software on your computer if you only use my commands"... can you please rephrase it?
He means the manual way of activating. Not using actual software. P.S Only info i can gather on Yuna is that it's Russian based - so enjoy it while you can
ENTERPRISE branding logo Is there a simple way to change the "Windows 7 enterprise" logo that appears on the logon and shutting down screens ? Which file contains the logo ? If I just replace the file with one taken from a system with Windows 7 ultimate installed, can I do the job ? Thanks for help
Of course that's the easiest way, but very expensive. I've only one machine with a paid ultimate version, the others are running enterprise with phazor's kms activator...