Indeed. I just tested this with a Professional VM (just out of curiousity) and it worked perfectly right away. If this would be enhanced so it auto-selects the right key and does the cmds and 'online-activation' bit automatically then this thing could become even more popular than loaders. (*Its not really online-activation, the prog emulates a KMS Server via the loopback so it works even if you dont have a internet connection at all.) Only discernable 'disadvantage' is that it only works with Pro and Enterprise since the other editions dont natively support KMS Activation. But a huge advantage over loaders and even BIOS Mods is that it will guaranteed work with every computer regardless of make/model/bios/etc. In any case, very nice work...
It wasn't activating my Enterprise when I tried last. Is there a newer version? The program is amazing because it's like 58kB. And it worked to activate a Win7Pro machine with the internet disabled and the clock set in the future.
Maybe it does not even support Enterprise. It clearly says 'For Win7 Pro' in the code, so... Anyhow, an automated solution is possible, i just need to know one thing: In a BAT or CMD the commands are being processed in order. How does one force the rest of the commands to be processed when something is waiting for input? Im almost positive i once knew how this works but its so long ago...
in CMD, you'd want Code: cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk xxxx- To run slmgr commands without creating popups, and to wait for them to finish. To run something and not wait for it to close, try START: Code: START "" c:\windows\cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk xxxx- The double quotes is for the window title, because without it, if you have quotes in the program path it will interpret that as the title. Though for this you'd have to wait for one slmgr command to finish before going after the next I'd imagine.
Yes, so: Code: START "KMS Server" /MIN KMS.exe Of course there's two things: 1) This may or may not be robust against path changes 2)KMS must activate at least every 180 days, so I don't know whether KMS should be fired up periodically as a scheduled task, at every boot, leave it to the user, etc.
That worked, thanks. Only thing thats uncool is that it openes another cmd window for KMS.exe now. But i will see if that remains once i rolled the stuff into an executable... BTW, im not sure what you mean by path changes. KMS.exe has to run and wait for the response from -ato. After that the exe can be closed and re-run when needed from anywhere. But i agree, a scheduled task would be quite elegant for this. Im not actually planning on using this (just bored) but thats probably what i would do if i were...
By path change I mean if the working directory / "start in path" is different than that of your actual files the script will fail. you can use the variable "%~dp0" to get the script directory. Yes, it spawns a separate window for the KMS server. Try adding the /b parameter.
Ah, i see. Well i already had the script cd to "%~dp0" so it wouldnt have been a problem. Thank god thats no longer a problem. The executable only pops up an info window and the rest is 100% silent now. But thanks anyway, i gave you some rep for your tip with the START parameter. (Which BTW worked without /min too and had the advantage of showing the window. The script in the exe didnt need it though.)
I have a short question: Did you tried this with W7 Prof. x86 or x64 ?? For me, it was only working with the x64 version of W7 Prof.!
Since it says KMS unavailable it could be a firewall issue. The first time i ran it i had to allow it through the windows firewall (it wasnt disabled on the VM) so maybe its somehow blocked on your machine. During testing i also had it once that the script host said 'could not be activated' but it really was.
I allow access to it, I even disable the windows firewall, but still the same thing. (I don't know if'ts related but everytime I login to windows, I get a message that optional updates does not work and "you may be a victim to software counterfeit.."...)
I don't think they'll actually expire anytime soon. Some of them have been around for nearly half a year.