No i dont. The SolitaireCollection doesnt work, too. But i found that the GameExplorer is not installed on my PC, i downloaded the ISO again and checked the ISO with MD5 hash. It's ok, but the GameExplorer dont want to install. Maybe i find a way to copy it from another PC.
Hello. Thanks for the installer. But I use es-MX ISO of Windows 10 (Spanish Mexico), when I launch the games these are in English.there won't be a way to have the games in Spanish in es-MX (I know this is a language variation created in w10) Any workaround for example?
Sorry! ignore my last message. I confused it with the winaero installer. This is much better! Has translated names of games, and it works in es-MX W10 in Spanish! Thanks for the compilation!
Thank you for the installer. Though defeating paranoic bot protection and certain mail address hating registration process took some time.
Thanks for making this package. Today is Sollitaire 30th anniversary, but of course I won't celebrate it by playing the awful version on Microsoft Store.
Just manually installed Windows 10 21H1 (had to use Windows 10 Update Assistant) and it deleted/removed the Windows 7 games I had installed.
Same here. Updated today and no more Win 7 games! Messed with Firefox's bookmarks too.. Perhaps downloads that don't come directly via Windows Update create more snafus... Had to uninstall then reinstall games as administrator before they worked again. Same for Firefox.
So cool! Every game even works with touchscreen, except for the Titan Chess game. It will only work with mouse. (Win 11 23H2) On Vista the touchscreen works in Titan Chess.