Windows 7 Hotfix repository

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by SoLoR, May 22, 2010.

  1. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    not sure... you can only install extended profile updates if you install full .net 4.0, if you have client only then you can install client only updates. But yes one of the client updates does not show on hotfix list in any case.
  2. nobbie

    nobbie MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2010
    I'm the client and extended net installed but when I noticed the following installation, the installation starts normally and at the end of the installation is reversed, I think.
    With the *. exe files I have this problem not.
    I've already unpacked the *. exe files while I noticed the *. msp files in the
    some files are missing
  3. RickSteele

    RickSteele MDL Addicted

    Nov 12, 2009
    Same here SoLor, none of the Net4 .msp's install on a fresh install; no problem with the packaged; thing is I cannot find three of them-tried Google, BING, The HotfixShare (only has x86)-2328540, 2328751, 2362055-all x64
  4. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    hm... wierd... ill go back to packaged updates next time... currently ftp is down so i cant upload new updates anyway (the one released on patch tuesday)...
  5. nobbie

    nobbie MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2010
    @ Burfadel I have installed client and extended,
    have now also tried to install as first described NDP40-KB971891 but it does not works only.
    'll Wait now until the *. exe is on the server.
    Thanks again
  6. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    The extended (full) profile also includes the client profile... not sure what would happen if you install both together, that may be causing issues.

    It seems strange that the exe files work and the .msp files don't, that would suggest some underlying issue. The exe file is just a container that allows for user intervention prompts (the agree to install dialogue), and runs the .msp file. The other function of the exe file is another layer check to see if the update is actually needed on your sytem. If the programme to be updated isn't present, an error prompt stating that will appear. If the programme is installed, the .msp update runs regardless of whether the installed files are the same version.

    Now, the issue you are facing is since the .msp updates error, and the exe container version seems to work fine (remembering it just runs the .msp file anyway), did the update actually install the files etc OR is it just reporting to the system that it is, and there's a system error?...

    Since Net framework is part of the Windows update store, does kb947821-v7, which is effectively a Windows update store correction tool, resolve the issue. Have you tried running sfc /scannow and seeing if there are any system errors that need rectifying? There is absolutely no reason why the exe update should work fine and the contained .msp file doesn't unless there is something wrong.

    Try the following:
    - Ensure Windowsupdate is turned off for the following, don't want it messing up the process!
    - Uninstall all your net framework 4 stuff, including all currently installed updated and both the client and extended profiles.
    - Run kb947821-v7 available from Solor's files
    - In the start menu search area, type cmd, then press enter once it appears. Then type the sfc command sfc /scannow Running SFC from the command prompt allows you to see if there was anything rectified without having to check through the messy log files.
    - Reboot after running sfc if required
    - Install JUST the full Net framework 4, do not install the client profile first or after. The Net Framework Full is called full for a reason, it contains both the extended and client profiles :)
    - Try running the .msp files again starting with the one I mentioned earlier.
    - Turn Windowsupdate back to your desired setting

    I recently installed a completely fresh installation of Windows, and installed the Net framework 4, then the .msp files without hassles, there is something messed up along the way which is causing issues with you. Just using the exe files because the .msp files don't work isn't a solution, especially if the updates aren't actually installed correctly even if the system reports that they are due to the use of the exe! Only way to tell is to check to see if the files the update relates to have actually been updated correctly.
  7. lanevo

    lanevo MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2010
    Terminx can maybe share an ftp acces for use Filezilla?

  8. Shoonay

    Shoonay MDL Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    Still no sign of ZukoBonus 14? :(
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    BTW if you are using IE9 beta, you can remove ALL IE8 updates except KB980195. Ill fix everything soon to reflect this change...
  10. hanschke

    hanschke MDL Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    will there be a new archiv too? and what is about an update pack for office 2010? will be great :D
  11. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    The latest Office 2010 hotfixes are still messed up...

    With those, its kind of necessary to extract the .msp files. Microsoft doesn't include just one update in many of its hotfixes. If you didn't extract them, you would have to download the old update and the new update just to get the extra update. This could tally up to singificantly bigger downloads for no gain. All updates are cumulative, the only difference between hotfix releases and security releases is the name of the file. For example, hotfix release for Word is named word-x-none.msp, whereas for a security release it may just be word.msp. If the security release is later, it can simply replace the hotfix release.

    Here is the info for the latest Word hotfix (x86). You will notice the exe is just a compressed container for the .msp file, and has the interactive interface. For some reason Office 2010 msp files compress quite well, office 2007 etc don't. In the sense of updating, running either will have the same function. That is why I was surprised about the Net Framework 4 updates not working using the .msp

    I still suggest those that had troubles with the .msp files but not with the exe files for the framework update check that they actually installed properly.

    DON'T installed the Net framework 4 client before or after installing the full update, it may cause issues. The Full installer contains extended and client Net Framework!
  12. mohamed44

    mohamed44 MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2010
    after new updates i have to download all this again

    x86-15.9.2010.zip15-Sep-2010 14:06 334M
  13. hanschke

    hanschke MDL Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    thank you for the update. where are people getting the office updates :confused:
  14. tistou77

    tistou77 MDL Expert

    Mar 22, 2008

    I can't find the download KB2300135 v3-x64 :eek:

    thanks ;)
  15. mohamed44

    mohamed44 MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2010
    anyway to make all upgrade setup auto
    one after one

    i download
    it's boing setup it manual
  16. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    It was moved inside IE8 updates... i wrote that ill move all IE8 updates to seperate folder because they are _not_ needed if you install IE9 beta.
  17. Trinket

    Trinket MDL Senior Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Thanks for the latter info, SoLoR. After dl'ing the latest .zip collection I noticed the drop in number of updates -- I thought to myself, "I could have sworn I kept up with adding/updating/removing individual updates" but this explains it. Thank you for your work on this, been generating builds with your update packs successfully for quite a while now. Today is another build day ;) Thanks again.
  18. RickSteele

    RickSteele MDL Addicted

    Nov 12, 2009
    Just to add a little more irony, if I install the first two Client updates via the packages, the rest will install via .msp, but, only if I do not try to install from a cmd file; ie: must either double click each one in Windows Explorer or via "Run" in the Start Menu. Actually, when you consider M$ has never , ever released reliable .NET updates, in my memory anyways-or anything connected with Visual Studio for that matter, this is not really surprising...LOL