+1 Here Please... Solor Updated his files... Updated: 8.6.2010 - Added: KB979559, new KB980195, KB980218, new KB982381, KB2120976, KB2028551-v2, KB2028560, KB970622 - Removed: old KB980195, old KB982381, KB980922 Updated: 5.6.2010 - Added: KB2028965, KB2078942, KB2028749, KB2028837, KB981124 - Removed: KB974431 Updated: 3.6.2010 - Added: KB982063-v2 - Removed: KB976425, KB980299
KB2120976, KB2028551-v2, KB2028560 are IE9 updates. They make DirectX and mediafoundation compatible with functions in IE9 (GPU acceleration, video decoding and stuff like that). This does not mean they shouldnt be applyed in case of not having IE9, because they simply update Windows components.
Good better best mydigitallife Windows 7 update packs ! Nice to see updating the W7 packs are still in motion, this one started on wincert by George King. Good work Solor .........here on mydigitallife..!
Many thanks for a proper hosting place SoLoR! A dozen of new updates was just released at kbupdate.info, you can grab them directly here 4shared.com/dir/Ya_5mjOs/Windows_7_updates__64-bit_.html
Heh, I still can't believe a domain as perfect for this purpose as "windowsdream.com" was in the FreeDNS domain pool. I didn't want this associated with any of the legitimate domains I manage when I set this up for SoLoR so I just searched FreeDNS and added a subdomain on to someone else's domain name and pointed it at the server we're using. I guess that's what they get for using a free DNS service and not paying any attention when setting it up.
Ye i know i have them added localy already, im waiting on my update scan to finish for "hidden" updates before im uploading them... but whats comming today in 2-3 hours (+ possibly more): Updated: 10.6.2010 - Added: KB2078804, KB2028605, KB983615, KB983551, KB983533, KB983426, KB983401, KB983396, KB983224, KB982860, KB982856, KB982669, KB982667, KB982646, KB982293 - Removed: KB981898, KB981721, KB979425, KB977096, KB983460, KB959554, KB2028965, KB958685-v2, KB980932, KB982300, KB981761 EDIT reuploading whole thing... will take a while! EDIT2: done with everything, for zips check first post. Todays unique needed hotfix count = 30... and thins is without zukobonus 11 (not sure if it will even come)...
If I have the latest leaked beta of SP1 installed, do any of these updates still apply? I have an x86 system.
Some but not many (updates that are NOT version 6.1.7600)... and NOT because SP1 would have all this updates already intergrated but because SP1 files are version 6.1.7601.xxxxx and this hotfixes are version 6.1.7600.xxxxx
You shoudlnt install any... just stick with beta if you think its better (i dont). Fact is if you want to run latest code updates are still the way to go.
It depends, the Service pack branch includes the updates & hotfixes from the main branch (or previous SP branch) plus some additional changes, hence the need for the new branch in the first place. Any updates therefore added to the main branch (or previous SP branch) do not exist in the SP branch, potentially leaving it behind. Siince the SP branch is a beta branch, its really only designed for testing purposes. If you're an enthusiast like many of us, wanting all the updates and not just those Microsoft deems 'necessary for the majority', you will definitely want to stick to these updates and forego the SP until it has been made RTM. At that stage, a fresh install using a true iso SP image (NOT an integrated SP image, would be beneficial. Integrated images are inferior to native images as the whole setup routine isn't updated, and the installed system may not be as clean (minimal difference, but still). After the SP has been made RTM, a new branch of updates will become available and the whole process starts over again
How long should it take to uninstall the SP1 beta? The uninstall has been running for a long time, & I don't want to have to reformat my HD.
Long time probably... but hm... can i ask why on earth are you installing beta stuff/hotfixes at all if you are not prepared to reformat HD in case something goes wrong ? I mean... if you want stable computer with least risk possible something goes wrong, stay with Windows Update updates... problem solved
It's just that I would only do a clean install as a last resort. I like to try different things, and learn from my experiences.
ditto on that; I have had zero problems with any of your updates and even used the x86 for my daughter's lappy-DELL Inspiron 1720 and Windows 7 Enterprise. The current way you do things is awesome; allows one to keep all updated to the most current on a daily/weekly basis. Like you said SoLoR, just download the new stuff as you make it available along with your update.html file, uninstall those listed as uneeded, install the new udates and off to the races. terminix, can't thank you enough for providing a nice location to download.