Hello folks I didn't folow all story about downloading updates but when i try to go on site it shows me NO ACCES ! Why ?! Is it offline for a while or something else ? Thank you ! And one more question is there packed updated in one zip file to we can know they all can be integrated to image ?
So all your updates can be integrated in image ? Because I try to integrate them all and Installation always fail then Alphawawes say I have to know which updates can be integrated and which not ,But how can I know that ?! Iwill use your pack then to integrate them 5 days back isn't big problem Thank you !
THere are two that i know are not integrateable: KB2533552 KB2603229 Aso no point integrating KB947821. Not sure if there are any other.
KB2506143 - Windows Management Framework 3.0 (requires .NET 4.0 or 4.5 to be installed first!) KB2823180 - Requires KB2506143 above KB2798897 - rvkroots update is a exe file, so cannot be integrated!
Yeah, but when installing Win7 with those updates included, it gives an error message towards the end of setup, and has to quit.