Hello boys and girls... I am back from vacation. Been absent for four weeks and the day before yesterday I returned home pretty late at night. During that time the server turned offline. I did not know about it. In the next days I will update everything that has to be updated. Currently I am working on the Office 2010 repo. That also means that the win8 repo can be updated, too. Updating the whole repo will take some time, so please be patient.
Office 2013 x86 and x64 24.08.2013 Replaced/Added: ace-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 excel-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 grooveintl-*-*.msp (language dependent) 15.0.4517.1508 groove-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 infopath-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 ipdmctrl-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 ipeditor-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 lyncintl-*-*.msp (language dependent) 15.0.4517.1508 lync-x-none.msp 15.0.4517.1508 msores-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 mso-x-none.msp 15.0.4517.1504 oart-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 oscfb-x-none.msp 15.0.4517.1504 osfclientintl-*-*.msp (language dependent) 15.0.4535.1000 osfclient-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 outexum-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 outlfltr-x-none.msp 15.0.4517.1509 outlookintl-*-*.msp (language dependent) 15.0.4517.1509 outlook-x-none.msp 15.0.4517.1509 powerpoint-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 project-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 spdcoreintl-*-*.msp (language dependent) 15.0.4535.1000 spd-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 visio-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000 word-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1000
VC Redist Installer 1.5.7 Changelog: - Updated Visual C++ 2012 x86 and x64 to version 11.0.60810 Download in the sig
hi people, i have question, how do u select all the msu when using windows hot fix downloader 2 or 3?
Windows 7 x86 and x64 25.08.2013 Added: WU_Satisfy updated New IE 10 KB2718695 (Additional/IE10) KB2862772 (Additional/IE10/Updates) KB890830-V5.3 (Additional/KB890830.Microsoft.Windows.Malicious.Software.Removal.Tool) new rootsupd.exe KB2803821-v2 KB2844286-v2 KB2849470 KB2859537 KB2861855 KB2862966 KB2863058 KB2868623 Removed: Old IE 10 KB2718695 (Additional/IE10) KB2846071 (Additional/IE10/Updates) KB890830-V5.2 (Additional/KB890830.Microsoft.Windows.Malicious.Software.Removal.Tool) old rootsupd.exe KB2781049 KB2803821 KB2808679 KB2821049 KB2829069 KB2836445-v2 KB2840947 KB2842986 KB2848802 KB2851149-v2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotfixes will be added asap!!!
Wait a minute... new ie10? is the hash different? edit: checked for myself... hash is same as the original release