Windows 7 Hotfix repository

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by SoLoR, May 22, 2010.

  1. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011
  2. McRip

    McRip MDL Addicted

    Aug 15, 2011
    Windows 7 x86/x64 26.09.2013

    KB2870705 (Additional/IIS)

    KB2763973 (Additional/IIS)
  3. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    @McRip, @komm, and later @burfadel - Edited the list from my previous post:

    A. Superseded updates in McRip's main folder, according to komm and some also by me / abbodi - please McRip, delete the ones verified, replace 2780130 with 2780102, and check the others:

    2483564-v2 - superseded by ???
    2647753-v4 - superseded by 2775511 + 2839894
    2705742 - superseded by ???
    2803752 - superseded by??? (especially
    2824408 - superseded by ???
    2832414 - superseded by ???
    2736233 - superseded by 2820197
    2524732-v2 - superseded by 2868623 (at least, that's also superseded)
    2619234-v2 - superseded by 2876644
    2761217 (moved to his SatisfyWU folder by komm) - superseded by ??? Invalidatefntcache.exe especially
    2798162 (moved to his SatisfyWU folder by komm) - superseded by ???
    2780130 - ~ confirmed by abbodi to be superseded by 2780102 - they have the same LDR version of Rdpdr.sys, however 2780102 also has the newer GDR version, so it's preferable

    B. Superseded updates in McRip's folder, that were however moved to embedded sub-folder by komm (Bermuda Triangle hotfixes) - please McRip, delete them:

    2545698 - superseded by 2779272
    2613988 - superseded by 2775511
    2639077 - superseded by 2775511
    2695207 - superseded by 2775511
    2718704 - superseded by 2837108-v4

    C. Updates that don't belong in the main folder / some sub-folders from komm servers:

    2798787 - present in RSAT sub-folder - it's actually a Group Policy update, needs to be moved to that sub-folder
    2574819 - has only a ADTLS related tweak , otherwise it's superseded, needs to be moved to ADTLS-ilke subfolder from the main folder
    2719985 - not superseded for x86, moved back to main folder from OLD FOR BAD

    D. KUC errors / komm server errors:

    2736782-v3 - don't get downloaded by KUC, although it should
    2835361 - don't get downloaded by KUC, although it should
    533552 - not integratable, but downloaded by KUC in the main folder

    E. Updates below are offered by KUC for an offline SP1 image by default (superseded by IE10 + platform update) - it's not the best practice the present state of KUC.

    Maybe a clear choice (a pop-up / supplementary screen in KUC), to either download IE10 + platform update or not would be preferable, a better alternative. If not, if for example the user decides to run KUC again for a second time to also add the IE10 updates and its platform update, will force him to also integrate the updates below:


    F. Updates that don't belong in the main folder / some sub-folders from McRip servers

    2777201 - not an RSAT hotfix, needs to be moved to main folder
    2856905 - Active Directory sub-folder now, needs to be moved to main folder
    2844009 - RSAT sub-folder now, needs to be moved to main folder
    2701373 - WMF sub-folder now, superseded by WMF 3.0, needs to be moved to main folder (for people that don't install WMF 3.0)
    2847635 - SNMP update, moved to main folder

    G. Not superseded updates, that need to be moved to the main folder by McRip / re-uploaded by McRip, after they're verified:

    2876315 (from WU Satisfy)
    2872339 (from WU Satisfy)
    2868116 (from WU Satisfy)
    2863058 (from WU Satisfy)
    2862966 (from WU Satisfy)
    2861855 (from WU Satisfy)
    2808679 (from WU Satisfy)
    2685939 (from WU Satisfy)
    949843-v2 - not fully superseded
    2732072-v3 - superseded, but cointains a reg entry
    2695321-v2 - superseded, but cointains a reg entry
    2706168 - superseded, but cointains a reg entry

    H. New updates - need to be added to McRip's main folder ASAP


    I. Extra remarks for McRip:

    * KB2760730-v2 - McRip, you have it named wrong on your server (Windows6.1-KB2760730-v2.msu instead of Windows6.1-KB2760730-v2-x86.msu);

    * KB917607 in your main folder, McRip - just an observation, not a problem. Windows Help can be a separate sub-folder in additionals;

    * Isn't also KB2723776 superseded for IIS?
  4. McRip

    McRip MDL Addicted

    Aug 15, 2011
    I'm a do it when my move to the new city is over. It starts on Saturday. I don't know yet when I am able to be online because of a new service provider.

    Please send me all the changes I need to do to my inbox until tomorrow if you don't mind. Please only the changes I need to do, so that I can do a lot things offline in the next days till I'm online again.

    Thanks in advance
  5. komm

    komm MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2011
    #8485 komm, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Just wanted to start checking my updates but you have already done that for me.
    Thanks very much. :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:
    If you find something, that is wrong on my server please tell me.
    (I know there will be some mistakes)
    Especially I'm not sure about the mitigation updates 2492386 and 2791765. MS KB says they are superseded, but they still have non superseded packages.
    Thanks again for your wonderful explanations.
  6. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    @McRip Ok, no problem, I'll send you a pm with a list after everything is ''final'' - I'm waiting for abbodi / others to confirm / infirm my findings.

    I'm also investigating right now some ''superseded'' updates, to see exactly what update supersedes them (to be sure). Also, for the hotfixes that are superseded but contain some reg entries, hopefully I'll have the time to only offer that tweak instead of the entire superseded hotfix :)
  7. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    You are most welcome :)
    i actually had fun doing the checking :D
    btw, i only checked x86, you have to double check for x64

    both 2492386, 2791765 are superseded by 2820331 (for win7 sp1)
    and 2791765 supersede 2492386 for win7 rtm
  8. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    @abbodi1406 Can you please help me with the following? Please confirm / change the ''???'' with a hotfix number. Thanks! :)

    2483564-v2 - superseded by ???
    2647753-v4 - superseded by 2775511 + 2839894
    2705742 - superseded by ???
    2803752 - superseded by??? (especially
    2824408 - superseded by ???
    2832414 - superseded by ???
    2736233 - superseded by 2820197
    2524732-v2 - superseded by 2868623 (at least, that's also superseded)
    2619234-v2 - superseded by 2876644
    2761217 (moved to his SatisfyWU folder by komm) - superseded by ??? Invalidatefntcache.exe especially
    2798162 (moved to his SatisfyWU folder by komm) - superseded by ???
    2780130 - ~ confirmed by abbodi to be superseded by 2780102 - they have the same LDR version of Rdpdr.sys, however 2780102 also has the newer GDR version, so it's preferable

    Also, for IIS, 2723776 is superseded by 2873013, right?
  9. Ultraform

    Ultraform MDL Junior Member

    Mar 17, 2013
    hey I have searched and have read somewhere where it was explained what the difference was between steven4554 list ,kuc and McRip updates. but cant find it :/
  10. steven4554

    steven4554 MDL Expert

    Jul 12, 2009
    The Update lists I make only contains updates that come directly from MS Servers which you can find on the Download Center or Update Catalog sites. The difference is I don't include hotfixes or updates that haven't gone through testing, that can only be obtained from MS Support by requesting for them.
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  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    2483564-v2 superseded by 2813430 + 2799925-v2
    2524732-v2 superseded by 2871565
    2619234-v2 superseded by 2876644, right
    2647753-v4 superseded by 2775511-v2 + 2839894, right
    2723776 superseded by 2873013, right
    2736233 superseded by 2820197, right
    2798162 superseded by 2868116 + 2824491-v2
    2803752 superseded by 2862067-v2 + 2804579 (
    2824408 superseded by 2732673-v4
    2832414 superseded by 2856676

    well, after a deeper look in (Windows\winsxs\Manifests), it turns out that it's not superseded completely.
    its' partially superseded by 2875501 (latest kernel update)

    2761217 superseded by 2779272
    regarding Invalidatefntcache.exe, although its manifest has higher number (microsoft-windows-g..validatefntcache-06)
    but the actual file version number (6.1.7601.22118) is lower than 2779272 (6.1.7601.22154)

    i'm having second thoughts about 2780130 and 2780102
    because 2780130 is LDR-only, the highest ldr version will installed regardless of the installing method
    whilst 2780102 is GDR+LDR, installing ldr version will require the special installing method (e.g. burf's script)
    also, 2780130 manifests is newer by one day :D
    so i think 2780130 supersede 2780102 not the opposite
  12. komm

    komm MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2011
    That's true for x86 but what about x64, that's my problem!
    2791765x64 contains windows-a..tigations.resources (not superseded)
    2492386x64 contains windows-a..ence-mitigations-c2 (not superseded)
  13. komm

    komm MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2011
    2705742 is superseded since windows-r..gistry-trustedtypes is for W7 RTM (I hope so, and do not have it on my PC)
    2761217 correct
    2780130 2780102 I think I have posted about those two.
    Yes, normally 2780130 should supersede 2780102. But 2780102 came out in December 2012, 2780130 in February 2013.
    Since all users had the "old" update installed for 2 months, I decided to keep 2780102. Why uninstall one update and install another update and change nothing?
    But I can change that if you want?????
  14. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011


    Thanks again for all the help, looking forward to seeing the conclusion of what's really superseeded and what's not. :)
  15. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    thats what i always thought so, but i saw the component in the manifest folder (lower version than 2705742, definitely from another update)
    so i installed 2705742, and windows-r..gistry-trustedtypes got installed (don't know if it's effective or not)

    and there are plenty of other original Win7 sp1 components that still have version 6.1.7600, so i guess not all updated compnents with that version is ment for Win7 rtm

    maybe we need further research or test on this matter


    i guess i missed or forgot such post :)
    yes, i see 2780130 has the Priority
    edit: if it's not much trouble for you, you can add an exception for it :rolleyes:
    i mean, if 2780102 is installed, do not offer 2780130
    if it's not installed, then 2780130 offered
  16. komm

    komm MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2011
    #8498 komm, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    C. Updates that don't belong in the main folder / some sub-folders from komm servers:
     2798787 - present in RSAT sub-folder - it's actually a Group Policy update, needs to be moved to that sub-folder
     2574819 - has only a ADTLS related tweak , otherwise it's superseded, needs to be moved to ADTLS-ilke subfolder from the main folder
     2719985 - not superseded for x86, moved back to main folder from OLD FOR BAD
    D. KUC errors / komm server errors:
     2736782-v3 - don't get downloaded by KUC, although it should
     2835361 - don't get downloaded by KUC, although it should
     533552 - not integratable, but downloaded by KUC in the main folder
    E. Updates below are offered by KUC for an offline SP1 image by default (superseded by IE10 + platform update) - it's not the best practice the present state of KUC. 
     Maybe a clear choice (a pop-up / supplementary screen in KUC), to either download IE10 + platform update or not would be preferable, a better alternative. If not, if for example the user decides to run KUC again for a second time to also add the IE10 updates and its platform update, will force him to also integrate the updates below:
    1. Did you know that there is a column in the KUC output file that's called KUC-StateRemarks?
    Just a tip try reading it.
    2. Did you ever install a system with KUC?
    3. If you did are there superseded updates installed, after KUC says 0,0?
    4. If yes: no problem, I make mistakes myself: just tell me the superseding updates, and I will correct it.
    5. If you think an update is not superseded, no problem, install the update and run KUC. In the column SupersedingUpdates,
    there are the KB# of the superseding updates. Check this updates, and if I'm wrong just tell me: "update x is not superseded by update y since component z has a higher version". But don't tell me update x is not supersede, that wastes my time.
    6. If you assume an update, for example 2798787, does not belong to the RSAT folder, check what components are in the update, and the check the version# and presents of those components in you installation. And then, maybe, you will find out, that all the GroupPolicy components are superseded. And then you may see: the only thing not superseded in this update is an server or RSAT only component. And then you may find out, that "Server or RSAT" could be a good place for this update.
    7. If an update has pre-requests, that must be installed before wouldn't it be the best not to offer this update until the
    pre-requests are fulfilled?
    8. If you think that only the existents of IE10 supersedes IE8 then you must install Win8.1 at once - it exists. But if IE10 is not present in an installation, but IE8 is, wouldn't it be the best to offer IE8 updates, then?
    But especially in this point I must say you are right.
    It annoy me, like you do, that the IE8 updates are still downloaded, even if you have checked to install IE10. But that's not really a big problem, they will be removed when IE10 is installed. What's the reason of that? In the very past KUC does not install any additions itself. So it just make a snapshot of the existing system and decides what updates are missing or superseded(the result). Then the user can select additional options for this snapshot. Normally this also should change the former result, but there are some places in the program that should be reworked, especially the IE installations.

    So please next time do your homework and if I have time for the IE issue, I will do mine.
  17. McRip

    McRip MDL Addicted

    Aug 15, 2011
    My last post for the next period of time.

    Office 2013 x86/x64 27.09.1013


    msointl-*-*.msp 15.0.4535.1003
    mso-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1003
    outlookintl-*-*.msp 15.0.4535.1006
    outlook-x-none.msp 15.0.4535.1006
  18. RicaNeaga

    RicaNeaga MDL Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    @ Mr. Professor komm

    My findings are based on running your app for an offline image. I never intend to use your app (or any other app or script) to install updates online.

    Do my homework??? I only compared the two servers, and I think this will help alot of users of both your solution and also McRip's. Also, I brought to your attention some aspects that seem problematic to me. Your arrogant response (as always) forces me to address to you in a more respectful manner from now on - you'll no longer be just komm, but Mr. Professor komm (teacher seems a too vulgar word for your posture).

    I hope you'll get that it's all a joke. A few years back, I would have responded in a not-so-elegant way, but now I have the experience of people's behaviour on the internet: the smaller the ego in real life, the bigger on the internet.

    So yeah, I'm sorry for bringing up to your attention that your app doesn't download two updates, or that it downloads an unwanted hotfix (that isn't integratable) for an offline image, I'm sorry I mentioned the IE8 related updates, I'm sorry for all the KUC users that have to become professors to use your app / I'm sorry that KUC isn't more intuitive, but I'm not sorry for making fun of your arrogance, and I'll continue to do it, Mr. Professor komm.

    In the end, again, my only goal was to discover ways to improve the ''gap'' between the two solutions, that are meant in the end to offer ~ the same result. But no, because of internet egoes, there can't be any normal communication, I have to do my homework / watch my language, not to offend the great titans of hotfix downloading. The result before yesterday was tens of hotfixes extra / missing in both solutions, hopefully soon this won't happen. A logical human beeing would get past the small talk and focus on the results, but I can't predict the behaviour of a titan such as yourself, dear Mr. Professor komm - please enlighten me further!