If McRip comes back, here are the changes that he needs to make to his repository (prior to november 2013 updates). Spoiler 1. Superseded updates (need to be deleted) - prior to October updates, verified 2613988 - superseded by 2775511-v2 2639077 - superseded by 2775511-v2 2695207 - superseded by 2775511-v2 2718704 - superseded by 2837108-v4 2524732-v2 - superseded by 2871565 2619234-v2 - superseded by 2876644 2647753-v4 - superseded by 2775511-v2 + 2839894 2723776 - superseded by 2873013 2736233 - superseded by 2820197 2803752 - superseded by 2862067-v2 + 2804579 2824408 - superseded by 2732673-v4 2832414 - superseded by 2856676 2705742 - superseded by 2875501 2719985 - superseded by 2836405 and 2799406 2483564-v2 - superseded by 2813430 + 2799925-v2 2645640 (x64) superseded by 2775511-v2 2757638 (x64) superseded by 2799406 and 2836405 2872339 (x64) superseded by 2875501 - but only for x64!!! For x86 not fully superseded! So please remove it also from WU Satisfy for x64, but have it in main folder for x86 2. Updates that need to be relocated - prior to October updates, verified 2545698 - please move to SatisfyWU - superseded by 2779272 2761217 - please move to SatisfyWU - superseded by 2779272 2798162 - please move to SatisfyWU - superseded by 2868116 + 2824491-v2 2777201 - please move to main folder, not an RSAT (only) hotfix 2844009 - please move to main folder, not an RSAT / Active Directory (only) hotfix 2701373 - please move to main folder, WMF sub-folder now, superseded by WMF 3.0, for people that don't install WMF 3.0 2868116 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2863058 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2862966 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2861855 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2808679 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2685939 - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy) 2872339 (x86) - please move to main folder, not superseded (from WU Satisfy), but superseded for x64 (fully remove, even from WU Satisfy - see also at 1.) 2798787 - please move to RSAT folder, superseded partially by 2866693 (for the gpp component, the other components, that aren't superseded, although they seem gpp related, are RSAT only - all the dlls can't be found on an ultimate version of windows, even after 2798787 in installed on a live ultimate system) 2847635 - move to SNMP folder, now in main folder 3. Updates that need to be re-added - prior to October updates, verified 949843-v2 - to main folder - not fully superseded 2690750 - to main folder - superseded only if WMF 3.0 is added 2560289 (x64) - to IIS sub-folder - present in x86 server, but not in x64 - probably deleted by mistake from the x64 server 4. Superseded updates that need only their .reg entry (preferable), or to be re-added - prior to October updates, verified 2732072-v3 - superseded, but contains a reg entry - see attached 2695321-v2 - superseded, but contains a reg entry - see attached 2706168 - superseded, but contains a reg entry - see attached 5. New updates - prior to October updates, verified 2780124 - not available anymore 2875501 - already superseded by october updates 2878378 - already superseded by october updates 2872862 - already superseded by october updates 2862973 2856676 2732673-v4 2824491 2877999 2870467 (x64) 6. Extra remarks * KB2760730-v2 - McRip, you have it named wrong on your server (Windows6.1-KB2760730-v2.msu instead of Windows6.1-KB2760730-v2-x86.msu); * KB917607 in your main folder, McRip - just an observation, not a problem. Windows Help can be a separate sub-folder in additionals 7. October changelog - New updates / hotfixes: KB2855844 (superseded by platform update KB2670838) KB2847311 KB2862330 KB2862335 KB2864058 KB2864202 KB2868038 KB2876284 KB2883150 KB2884256 KB2852386 KB2882822 KB2885698 KB2888049 KB2861191 KB2861698 KB2863240 KB2878035 KB2878084 KB2880024 KB2780130-v2 KB2883703 KB2884172 (superseded only if you install WMF 3.0 KB2506143) KB2886366 KB2876391 KB2878424 KB2889631 KB2883492-v3 KB2885978 KB2890882 KB2892678 KB2874401 (Additionals - NFS) KB2887519 (Additionals - Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications) KB2883457 (Additionals - ''Integrate to installation media'' - only offline update) 8. October changelog - Superseded updates KB2753842-v2 (by KB2847311) KB2592525 (by KB2855844) KB2836942 (by KB2861698) KB2798670 (by KB2862330) KB2770436-v2 (by KB2862335) KB2804579 (by KB2863240) KB2868238 (by KB2864058) KB2521624 (by KB2868038) KB2712561 (by KB2868038) KB2874984 (by KB2876284) KB2875501 (by KB2882822) KB2878378 (by KB2882822) KB2876315 (by KB2883150) KB2757817 (by KB2885698) KB2687799 (by KB2888049) KB2871565 (by KB2888049) KB2761774 (by KB2874401) KB2697645 (by KB2878035) KB2540175 (by KB2878035) KB2727118-v2 (by KB2878084) KB2799406 (by KB2880024) KB2780130 (by KB2780130-v2) KB2780102 (by KB2780130-v2) KB2856905 (by KB2884172) KB2715992 (by KB2886366) KB2786401 (by KB2887519) KB2754704 (by KB2876391 + KB2851144) KB2800789 (by KB2878424) KB2830145 (by KB2883492-v3) KB2876900 (by KB2882822) KB2789645 (by KB2889631) KB2872862 (by KB2885978) KB2863058 (by KB2890882) 9. WU Satisfy Updates (for both x86 and x64, verified both via VM VirtualBox, also verified after October updates) KB2545698 (also mentioned above at 2.) KB2547666 KB2644615 KB2676562 KB2761217 (also mentioned above at 2.) KB2791765 KB2798162 (also mentioned above at 2.) KB2813347 The november changelog will be separate. I will make two up-to-date archives in the weekend and upload them, with all the needed updates for windows 7 after SP1 - one with integratable updates, the other with non-integratable updates. I'm going to wait for the november hotfixes, and to find out (test in VM) the needed WU Satisfy Updates.
Yeah, the hotfix page just became available, I was updating my post... Thanks. LE: WOW! It's just the client now. So RDC / RDP 8.1 client only funtionality, host (server-side components) functionality is available only with RDC / RDP 8.0!!! In my opinion this is cool, as the whole RDC / RDP optional update is bloatware in my opinion for 99.99% of windows 7 users.
Deep clean results after installing patches from above post 2013-11-12 13:59:11, Info CBS Package_for_KB2820197~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ superseded - uninstalled 2013-11-12 13:59:11, Info CBS Package_for_KB2862019~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ superseded - uninstalled
Superseded Updates: KB2616332 - by KB2876331 KB2801453 - by KB2862152 KB2808693-v2 - by KB2893519 KB2820197 - by KB2900986 KB2883492-v3 - by KB2868725 IE-KB2879017 - IE-KB2888505 KB2862019 (if you install KB2830477)
I wonder why deepclean log says Skipping package due to branch elevating for some of these 2013-11-12 13:56:18, Info CBS Skipping package due to branch elevating: Package_for_KB2616332~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 2013-11-12 13:56:30, Info CBS Skipping package due to branch elevating: Package_for_KB2801453~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 2013-11-12 13:56:30, Info CBS Skipping package due to branch elevating: Package_for_KB2808693~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 2013-11-12 13:56:38, Info CBS Skipping package due to branch elevating: Package_for_KB2883492~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
Because the new updates are GDR+LDR, and normally GDR branch will be installed (6.1.7601.1xxxx) whereas the skipped updates are LDR only, and although they are older, but they have higher tag number (6.1.7601.2xxxx) so you have to force LDR install of the new updates to get the older removed.
I tried to download these hotfixes, but I cannot find the "Hotfix download available" button anywhere. I searched for download links through the KB page but I couldn't find anything. This is also the case for many other hotfixes I tried. What's going wrong?
New Hotfixes: 2712435 2824770 2870165-v3 2870256-v3 2877115 2878068 2878378-v2 2878563 2884284 2884927 2885209 2885210-v3 2889673-v2 2891144 2892932 2893634 2894219 2894655 2894901 2894906 2895044 2895237 2895683 2896146 2896256 2898092 2898202 (Update for Platform KB2670838) 2882780 (Update for Platform KB2670838) 2897002 (GroupPolicy) 2882659-v2 (Update for DirectAccess.Connectivity.Assistant 2.0 KB2666914) 2887064 (Update for WMF 3.0) 2889748 (Update for WMF 3.0) 2800945-v3 (AD LDS) New but not needed: 2885974-v2 (already superseded by 2895683) 2894252 (already superseded by 2878068) 2885980 (already superseded by 2896146) 2830598-v2 (already superseded by 2868116) 2897770-x64 (Server only) 2884176-v2-x64 (Server only) 2896713-v3-x64 (Server only) =============================================== Superseded Updates: 2616332 - by 2876331 2801453 - by 2862152 2808693-v2 - by 2893519 2820197 - by 2900986 2883492-v3 - by 2868725 IE-2879017 - IE-2888505 2877985-v2 - by 2870256-v3 2732673-v4 - by 2893634 2885978 - by 2888049 + 2895237 2718654 - by 2895683 2786464-v2 - by 2896146 2878424 - by 2896256 2872339-x86 - by 2870165-v3 2685939 - by 2891144 + 2861855 + 2870165-v3 2835429 - by 2870165-v3 2667402-v2 - by 2870165-v3 2878084 - by 2870165-v3 2797918 - by 2877115 2728379 - by 2878563 2866695 - by 2885209 2795616 - by 2891144 2883150 - by 2894655 2729608-v2 - by 2894906 2866693 - by 2897002 (GroupPolicy) 2853777 - by 2898202 (Update for Platform 2670838) 2875783-x64 - by 2894901-x64 2801244-v2 - by 2712435 2829589 - by 2824770
I'll see if I have time on the weekend to finalise the updated installer, shouldn't take long. Windowsupdate satisfaction stuff has been removed, I was hoping, and spent a long time looking in to, the replacement of this directly with using express cabs, but the manual method of installing these seem to only work if it had already been installed previously. The good news is that the updates that show in Windowsupdate, if already installed (in terms of the LDR version), will only install the GDR manifest files via an express download (denoted by the -express suffix). With Windowsupdate satisfaction, installing both the GDR and LDR versions to satisfy Windowsupdate actually results in more space being used as you install, but have inactive, the actual GDR files. To complicate things further we are down a hotfix repository. I did bring up a working solution with Pointzero about this, and it was a damn good solution if you don't mind me saying , but would require a fair bit of work for Windows 7 (it's ideal for Windows 8.1). It would also require something else which I won't mention here, but hopefully access to it will be available at some point in the near future.
@burfadel We all are definitely looking forward to your newly-enhanced Installer For Windows Updates script. On top of that, in your script, can you include the ability to integrate IE-Hyphenation-en.msu, IE-Spelling-en.msu, 3 cab files for Windows Update Agent to an offline Windows 7 SP1 image? Thank you very much.