I sure had WU offer a lot of updates after using the latest batch of updates (x64). I had 20 important updates and like 25 optional ones (this is in a VM). We don't do WU Satisfy but it seemed a bit disconcerting to see how many there are being offered. But when I looked closer at all the updates offered, I realized the majority that WU offered were actually present in the current batch of updates, but had not applied according to WU; this is because I installed them with LDR>GDR script. So in fact, the only updates offered by WU that were not part of the current batch of updates are: Spoiler Code: important: 2446710 (and 3 other .NET 3.5.1 updates I couldn't make out in my screenshots) 2610339 2667402 2676562 2813347 2862966 2868725 2798162 2904266 optional: 2858725 (2 kernel-mode & driver mode Framework 1.11 updates, not sure about kb numbers) 2545698 2547666 2574819 2592687 2761217 2830477
.cab support maybe? What are the filenames for the .cab files? If you have service pack 1 installed, there are only 4 update since so this shouldn't be an issue. I'm trying to get people away from using the .msp's, since the filenames are the same regardless of whether it's Office 2010 or 2013, x86 or x64. It's common people try and use the installer on the wrong .msp's. If I didn't have it as silent install, people would be aware, but it would also mean a lot of popup install windows etc. Furthermore, even on the correct Windows there may be some updates not applicable to their system, so having them show and error boxes appear would confuse people (and take away from the automation). This is particularly true for language .msp's etc. The .msp extraction for the old repository was actually my idea , but at the time it was suitable for the old repository type. The new repository type and method it really isn't required.
New KUC removes KB2849470 but WU requires this security update (rpchttp.dll, rpcrt4.dll 6.1.7601.22380). KUC requires KB2916915 (rpchttp.dll, rpcrt4.dll 6.1.7601.22550) which should supersede KB2849470.
Are you sure about KB2849470 being required by WU? I installed KB2916915 in LDR branch & WU is ok with it.
no, i don't have sp1 yet. is there a tool can convert msp, exe to cabs? i tried wintool kit & windows hotfix downloader
The very nature of the repositories (Komm's and our direct referencing repository) is that the LDR versions are used, where available. The GDR updates, even in hotfixes, only contain the previous security and general release changes, and the issue that affects that current KB article. The LDR updates contain the GDR update contents, in addition to all previous hotfix updates. By not using LDR, your system would lie somewhere between a standard updated machine and a 'fully updated' machine. If you install one hotfix that replaces an existing hotfix on the system, the LDR version is used, unless you specifically only install the GDR version directly. Yes, you can force GDR as well! The update system for Windows 8/8.1 is a little different, and still a little messy. There are no LDR versions in Windows 8/8.1 apart from one for NET Framework. It's probable that Windows 8/8.1 run the equivalent of LDR updates (fully cumulative) by nature. This is possibly why there are fewer updates (all things considered), not because there are significantly less issues, but because what would have normally been released as hotfixes are included in those large update packs they have been doing (even if they haven't stated so). This is both a good and bad thing. It's good because more people will be close to being 'fully updated', but it's bad because it possibly means fewer hotfixes in between.
There's something odd with the KB2916915 hotfix. It has both GDR and LDR files, but in GDR mode it does not completely replace KB2849470. KB2876644 appears to only contain LDR files. On my laptop I currently have rpcrt4.dll 6.1.7601.18205 from KB2849470 and rpchttp.dll 6.1.7601.18350 from KB2916915. KB2876644 was installed prior to running the latest KUC. KUC said it was replaced by KB2916915 and removed it, but then WU insisted that KB2849470 was required, presumably for the GDR files. I support a lot of PCs used in domestic and small business environments where most users rely on WU, but I need to keep up with hotfixes that address less-reported issues such as KB2903025. KUC allows me to keep up to date with hotfixes I can safely recommend to the non-KUC users I support.