I tried with the script of KUC (update_LDR), changed "Work_Folder", "set Option", etc... at the beginning of the script But it doesn't work...
Bapt... sorry for the delayed response... pulled an all-nighter at work so pretty tied up... anyway the way I do it is I create the "wu" folder structure and then I can run "update" which runs both his GDR/LDR scripts or I run each separately... I have been doing this more and more lately for both online and offline images. Is that how you tried it?
No worries I tested with an Offline Image (mounted with Gimagex) as I do with the script of SoLoR But it doesn't work (problem "dir" or probably other) Image mounted in the "Mount" folder and all hotfixes are in the "Update" folder with the script I integrate only hotfix in "LDR" None in "GDR" (except 2 hotfix integrated but separately) The scrip of KUC should work with the KUC folder, I think If someone could give me a script based on that of KUC but I can use like that of Solor Thanks so much
I have updated my offline image using DISM with WUD list. Later on, I will want to update it again, but have to go through the whole list (integrated updates from previous time and new updates). Will DISM produce an error if I integrate the same updates again? Most importantly, is it recommended to start from scratch( ie. new image)?
No, dism will not complain if you tried to integrate present update again (it will show the install percentage at 100% and move on) new image always recommended
The order of the updates, does it count? Say I have Windows6.1-KB2841134-x64.cab which is IE11 and is installed after IE11-Windows6.1-KB2909210-x64 and IE11-Windows6.1-KB2925418-x64, would it cause problems? I integrate them using a batch script and they are sorted by their name rather than their importance.
Yes, prerequisites order is important integating IE11 updates before IE11 itself will cause error (i believe it won't accept integration in the first place)
Actually, it works fine. Just installed the image in VMWARE seems fine. I was expecting it to fail though, wonder why it didn't. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it.
@abbodi So KB2936068 for IE11 (windows 7) is included in KB2929437 for IE11 (for windows 7)? I'm asking because I see you haven't included KB2936068 for IE11 in your changelog. Thanks!