Out of fun and since there are many hotfixes that do suppress published WU updates, i made some sort of a "mini" update list it's manual and just for fun, i won't make an official WHD list for it the list is just an approach to follow/combine between WU list of updates and there superseders in WHD list so it's devided into 3 main sections, plus one extra optional section: - Important - Recommended - IE11 - Satisfy "extra" the list is built based on LDR branch usage (except KB2574819-v2, KB2685811, KB2685813 which installed normally) Important updates: Spoiler Code: KB2900986 KB2898851 KB2604115 KB2736422 KB2742599 KB2840631 KB2861191 KB2861698 KB2911501 KB2931356 KB2937610 KB2943357 KB2968294 KB2972100 KB2972211 KB2973112 KB2978120 KB2979570 KB2479943 KB2511455 KB2560656 KB2564958 KB2570947 KB2579686 KB2620704 KB2621440 KB2631813 KB2654428 KB2690533 KB2698365 KB2705219-v2 KB2719033 KB2727528 KB2770660 KB2803821-v2 KB2807986 KB2813430 KB2835361 KB2847311 KB2847927 KB2862330-v2 KB2862335 KB2862973 KB2864058 KB2864202 KB2868038 KB2871997-v2 KB2887069 KB2892074 KB2893294 KB2912390 KB2949927 KB2972280 KB2973201 KB2973351 KB2976897 KB2977292 KB2978742 KB2984972 KB2991963 KB2992611 KB2993651 KB2993958 KB3003743 KB3005607 KB3006226 KB3010788 KB3011780 KB3013126 KB2506014-x64 KB2786081 KB2868116 KB2929733 KB971033 KB2670838 WUClient-SelfUpdate KB2856676 KB3000056-v3 KB2644491 KB2584577 KB999994 KB2740232-v2 KB2831013-v3 KB2914677 KB2995054 KB3002297 KB2554876-v2 KB2707157 KB2968363-v3 KB2752259 KB2870165-v3 KB2768486 KB2905407 KB3010024 KB3012696 KB2535094 KB3004383 KB2925489-v3 KB2984640 KB2980344 KB2964073-v2 KB2989671 KB3009350 KB3007196 KB3015692 KB3006112 KB2935389-v3 KB3000406 KB3008558 KB3007207 KB2648039-v2 KB2886366 Recommended updates: Spoiler Code: KB2984976 KB982018-v3 KB2685811 KB2685813 KB2506928-v2 KB2574819-v2 KB2592687 KB2640148-v2 KB2660075 KB2719857 KB2732059-v5 KB2750841 KB2773072 KB2791765-x64 KB2799926 KB2800095-v2 KB2808679 KB2820331 KB2830477 KB2834140-v2 KB2843630-v3 KB2852386 KB2882822 KB2888049 KB2891804 KB2893519 KB2908783 KB2913152-v2 KB2918077 KB2919469 KB2923545 KB2952664 KB2966583 KB2970228 Kb2977728 KB2978092 KB2985461 KB3001554 KB3006121 KB3006625 KB3008627 KB3009736 KB3013410 KB3014406 KB2870256-v3 KB2923388 KB3001267 KB2915094 KB2905454 KB3016375 KB2932722 KB2939652-v2 KB3005781 KB917607 KB2493989-x86 KB2970215-x64 KB2652029 KB2818604 KB2990941-v3 KB3006499 IE11 packages: Spoiler Code: IE11-KB2841134 IE11-KB2849696 IE11-KB2849697 IE11-KB2976627 IE11-KB3008923 IE11-KB3025390 Existent Updates that needs GDR branch to Satisfy WU: Spoiler Code: KB2604115 KB2742599 KB2871997-v2 KB2937610 KB2972211 KB2973112 KB2978120 KB2979570 KB2698365 KB2813430 KB2862330-v2 KB2862973 KB2973351 KB2984972 KB2992611 KB3003743 KB3005607 KB3006226 KB3011780 KB2732059-v5 KB2750841 KB2773072 KB2820331-x64 KB2834140-v2 KB2908783 KB2919469 KB2970228 KB2978092 KB3001554 KB3008627 KB3009736 Non-Existent Updates that are needed (GDR branch) to Satisfy WU: Spoiler Code: KB2789645 KB2894844 KB2644615-x86 KB2667402-v2 KB2676562 KB2813347 KB2862966 KB2868626 KB2918614 KB2545698 KB2547666 KB2729094-v2 KB2761217 Satisfy list may vary on other systems ====== if anyone want, i made a simple scripts to help gathering, organizing and integrating the updates Spoiler Copy.cmd to gather updates of WHDownloader repository you will need to open the script with notepad and set the variables at top: Code: :: set the architecture to be used (x86 or x64) set arch=x86 :: set the path for WHD repo folder (the main Download Location that appear on top-right of WHD) set repo=C:\Data\WU\ :: use satisfy updates? (1 or 0) set sat=1 you also need to put the "non-existent satisfy updates" next to the script (if you decided to use satisfy) and if you want to include/integrate IE11 lang packs, you can put them next to the script (LanguagePack, Spelling, Hyphenation), or you can manually copy them later to "mini\InternetExplorer11" folder but remember, IE11 LP needs the main OS lang pack to be integrated first -- OfflineInstaller.cmd to integrate updates offline based on Burf's Installer (thanks to him) it's ment and modified for the created "mini" folder structure only, not for all update has one required variable Code: :: set the path for offline mount drectory set target=C:\Mount -- RegistryFixes.cmd optional script to add some registry fixes should be used after integrating updates has one required variable Code: :: set the path for offline mount drectory set target=C:\Mount of course, Copy script will need to be modified each month to add/remove updates have fun
Thanks so much abbodi for this great work If I understand (sorry for my bad english) there are no new hotfix and/or hotfix superseded?
So abbodi, let me try to understand. Are you saying that with just those updates, WU will be silent? I'm not sure I understand it, but I feel great potential in this Main reason being that the amount of updates is getting crazy (and the bloating of the images) so I had been thinking about how to go about this.
Yes, that's the goal but like i said, you may get another 1,2 or 3 updates in WU because satisfy list varies i actually included 4 satisfy updates that didn't showed to me in WU all the times
So if I install these live in VM for sysprep, I could install the Important and Recommended with LDR script? And then install the Satisfy updates with GDR script? So for those 3 updates, I just install with GDR script also? Or since I'm running live in VM anyway, I could also just run WU after installing Important, Recommended, and IE11, I would think, and forego the Satisfy updates as I'm able to use WU instead. Does that sound right?
The included install script is modified to do that exactly (install Important and Recommended in LDR, and install the Satisfy updates in normal GDR) those three updates have exception in the script, meaning they will be installed in GDR during LDR session and yes, it's might more reliable to install Satisfy updates of WU i only included them as reference and to make the integration process as complete as possible
OK, since it's an offline script you made, I wasn't sure exactly how to convert it to an online version, so I used my existing LDR and GDR scripts. Meaning, there was no express exception for those 3 updates you mentioned in the way I applied them (that I'm aware of) but otherwise I installed Important and Recommended (Optional) with LDR script and the Satisfy updates with GDR. I then installed IE11 and its updates. Reboot. Then as I ran WU for the first time, this is the list I got offered: Important: 2446710 (dotNET3.5.1) 2894844 (dotNET3.5.1) 2667402 (dotNET3.5.1) 2676562 (dotNET3.5.1) 2813347 (dotNET3.5.1) 2862966 (dotNET3.5.1) 2864202 (dotNET3.5.1) 2868626 (dotNET3.5.1) 2871997 (dotNET3.5.1) 2918614 (dotNET3.5.1) 3025390 (IE11) Optional: 2545698 2547666 2574819 2592687 2647753 2729094 2761217 2830477 Reboot. Ran WU second time, and I got: After reboot, second run of WU: Optional: 2592687 (also present in first WU run above) 2830477 (also present in first WU run above) ^^These two are RDP/RDC updates; as I mentioned before in the thread, I've been having problems installing RDP/RDC related updates and have to do several passes for them to install or otherwise for WU to be quiet about them.^^ Reboot. Ran WU a third time, and I got: Important: 2965788 2984976 2984981 Optional: 2923545 2994023 Succeeded 2 updates. Failed 3 updates. Reboot. Ran WU a fourth time, and I got: Optional: 2923545 ^updates successfully installed - WU finally quiet^ This has probably not that much to do with your list as it does with those RDC/RDP updates I mentioned a little earlier in the thread. It's like they have to be installed 3 times to 'take' on Win7 x64. I don't have that problem doing the same routines on a Win7 x86 image. I guess the dotNET updates are normal? EDIT: I compared the install.wim sizes between my fully updated Dec19 install.wim and the one I made via your list and the WU runs. The one with your list is around 310mb smaller. Not bad
I actually made the script specifically for Offline only, because i know that installing +200 on live system will be very slow and messy, and will give you some errors most of the updates you got in 1st check are the one that don't exist in WHD repo, so you need to download them manually and put them in Satisfy folder only 2446710 and 2894844 are dotNET you got 2864202 because you installed 2685811 in LDR 2574819 likewise based on 3rd check, RDC/RDP (2592687/2830477) wasn't installed at all before even 1st check (did you verify the installed updates after reboot?) i agree that RDC/RDP updates are a mess on there own
OK, for this purpose it might be best for me to offline integrate and then I could always finalize with sysprep afterwards. I like sysprep because of ability to not have pending updates and being able to install the non-integratable updates. Plus it's easy to run/apply things like I always run a script to clean certain directories like nativeimage cache and some other things. Strange, then, because except the IE11 update, all those updates listed on my first WU run under 'Important' were actually designated as dotNET3.5.1 in WU: 2446710 (dotNET3.5.1) 2894844 (dotNET3.5.1) 2667402 (dotNET3.5.1) 2676562 (dotNET3.5.1) 2813347 (dotNET3.5.1) 2862966 (dotNET3.5.1) 2864202 (dotNET3.5.1) 2868626 (dotNET3.5.1) 2871997 (dotNET3.5.1) 2918614 (dotNET3.5.1) No, I did not verify installed updates after the reboot. I've gotten used to certain updates being offered again by now (really has only been happening in the last couple of months, never before) so my strategy was to just run WU until it was quiet
Maybe WU had a moment of delusion regarding nativeimage cache, is't really not needed and delete it won't cause problems with .NET apps?
In my experience, nativeimage cache does not need to be present already on an image. On Win7, you can delete nativeimages_v2 caches and on Win8.x nativeimages_v4 (default). They just regenerate (mscorsvw.exe) by themselves so it can make your install.wims quite a bit smaller. So I usually run: Code: @echo off cls echo. echo ********************************************** echo ************ Cleaning for Sysprep ************ echo ********************************************** echo. echo ~ Clean .NET Assemblies ~ taskkill /IM mscorsvw.exe /f echo. FOR /D %%f IN (C:\Windows\assembly\Nati*.*) do rd /q /s "%%f" rem [this section is only for Win8.x as dism for Win7 does not support this] rem echo. rem echo ~ Clean winSxS ~ rem dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase rem echo. echo. echo ~ Clean SoftwareDistribution ~ net stop wuauserv net stop bits del /q /f "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\*" FOR /D %%f IN (C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\*) do rd /q /s "%%f" echo. echo ~ Clean temp folder ~ del /q /f "C:\Windows\Temp\*" FOR /D %%f IN (C:\Windows\temp\*) do rd /q /s "%%f" echo. echo. pause ^^The rem'd out part can be enabled for when you run it on Win8.x as Win7 doesn't have that dism option. I also usually delete event log entries and some other things. Doesn't WU stand for Wasted Updater?
Thanks for that BTW, I always try to thank you right away, but being the big fish you are, it seems you have a sucker fish that always beats me to it Nothing wrong with it, it's just amazing I guess that makes me a slow sucker fish