@burfadel I guess it would be easier for you & others to follow your work, if you create a dedicated thread for them.
I thought of that a while ago, you're right thought it would probably be better to create a thread and maybe just mention a new verison in the hotfix threads (seeing as, in away, they are system updates).
Thanks @oldsh_t Please help with these questions too: Do i need KB3179573 too? (i was looking for KB articles of your download links to read a little more and landed on this: hxxps://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/22801/windows-7-sp1-and-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-update-history) Also: I should install both "Servicing stack update"s you link to them, or installing the newer (KB3177467) is enough?
KB3177467 its a pre-requisite, it replace updates KB3020369 & KB2533552. and about cumultive updates, you need... KB3125574 KB3172605 KB3179573 KB3212646
Yes, these IE packs are special, they are dual/applicable for both architecture even though the files are named x86 --- different links, same files WHD list mainly uses Download Center Links, whenever they exist --- the change log/list is for Windows 7 only i don't have S 2008R2 to check or verify --- you mean WU? no it doesn't offer .NET 4.6.2 yet
Delay for February updates. See - blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msrc/2017/02/14/february-2017-security-update-release/
I'm not able to download through WHDownloader the following updates: windows6.x-hypervintegrationservices-x86.cab windows6.x-hypervintegrationservices-x64.cab They're from the latest hyper-v hotfix, KB3158626 - does anyone have alternate download links? The KB article also isn't available right now for download from Microsoft...
Also, another question - I haven't done a windows 7 build for a while... is Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.320 superseded by another update? I don't see the .cabs in the WHDownloader anymore...
Fixed redownload lists -- it's superseded by CR KB3125574 or KB3172605 cabs can still be found in Extra\WithoutKB3125574\#General
KB3102429 REPLACED BY>> Update for Windows 7 (KB3125574) KB3080079 REPLACED BY>> Update for Windows 7 (KB3125574) KB3126587 NOT REPLACED KB3118401 REPLACED BY>> Update for Windows 7 (KB3125574)
^ Thanks. I've also edited my original post from above with another four updates that aren't superseded in abbodi's list, and they're needed probably to satisfy WU only.
It's obvious that all updates in Extra\WithoutKB3125574 = replaced by KB3125574 KB3118401 is merely VC++ redist satisfying WU is a lost cause