You can simply install dotnet4xx on your live system, by using WUMT or the standalone installers. 452, 462 and 47 are offered on WU, so you also could install it via WU. For offline integration of dotnet47 you can use MSMG Toolkit.
Hi, either of these programs will do it for you:
Hi, thanks a lot for your quick answer. I have a fully "windows update" patched windows 7, without the convenience rollup. So to have a fully patched windows 7 i have to install the 11 patches in the hotfixes folder and the 272 patches in the Extra\WithoutKB3125574\#Hotfix\ ?
liam2: Yes, but if you want fully-patched, double-check that you have all the other updates (except KB3125574 [the Convenience rollup]) from the "General" and "Security" folders installed. And also install all from "#General" and "#Security" in the "WithoutKB3125574" folder.
but all the other updates are not suposed to be detected by WU, if they are not installed? another question, all the updates are regional independent?
What WU wants installed can vary from system to system. Since you wanted fully patched, I suggested checking that all the other updates from the General and Security are installed. If you just want to rely on WU, you can do that also. The updates are regional independent, but there are two in the "SL" folder that are only needed for Polish and French versions.
OK, thanks a lot!!! What do you think is the best option? Installing just KB3125574 or the 272 hotfixes I am missing from Extra\WithoutKB3125574\#Hotfix
I would install KB3125574. But read the info that abbodi1406 has put in the "ConvenienceRollupKB3125574-Info.txt" file so you know all about it beforehand. It does contain some telemetry components and some users are wary of that.