Thank you both the error occurs as expected bad Microsoft hopefully they will fix that in Security Rollup next month maybe we should start another campaign to allert them, similar to what have we done with KB3125574 issues
And of course after the installation of the latest preview a few older updates appeared on my WU. KB2659262 KB3123479 KB3118401 KB3185319 IE CU
Sorry if this question has been answered.. I can't seem to find a clear direction on how to install KB3125574.. It seems that to install this KB3125574, it is in need of KB3020369.. But KB3020369 is already installed in one of my workstations.. It seems that KB3125574 is in need of other prerequisite KBs.. Anyone has a good top down checklist if installing updates from fresh W7 SP1?
Do not install KB4052234 released in catalog it's a bugged partial rollup update, just like first KB4039884