Nothing changed in KB4093118 binaries they just added external PCIClearStaleCache.exe to be used by WU/WSUS
That's the PCIClearStaleCache.exe file it only can go away by metadata supersedence, which preview rollups don't have over security rollups another mess in Win7's lost-cause WU
Then there's no point in keeping Windows Update service running, is there? I've been keeping it disabled ever since I started using simplix's update pack back in June 2017 and I have not seen any need to enable it, as it causes more harm than good lately...
it's needed if you use Microsoft Security Essentials, because the definition updates are downloaded through Windows Update.
Strange. I'm not getting the KB4103718 or KB4099633 through Windows Update (W7 Ultimate x64) on one of my machines. Got them on another one also with W7 Ultimate x64. EDIT: Solved(?): I didn't get them when WU searched automatically. Decided to do a manual search and wham. They showed up. Installed them and no issues so far.