People are still usung xp and support stopped when? Those paid for updates will make their way to the public arena, just like vlk's did. Worry about it in a years time, you could be dead by then. Worry about things worth worrying about.
I was looking for the individual hotfixes included in KB2775511 as it fixes an issue that affects 2k+ PCs that i manage. I found most, but am unable to find these for windows 7 enterprise x86: KB2468345 KB2578133 KB2686921 KB2693010 KB2719375 KB2717541 One of these updates i think will fix the issue as i have tried all others. I just dont want to install the entire hotfix rollup (KB2775511). kb3125574 is already installed as well. Anyone know where i get these?
There are some Win7 updates that were released only for x64. The KB pages for the updates will show this. Two of the updates you listed fall into this category (KB2468345 & KB2578133). There were no x86 versions of those. The KB pages for another two (KB2686921 & KB2717541) shows that an x86 version is listed, but I don't see that they're available anywhere. The only two I see that are available are KB2693010 & KB2719375. If you do a search for Windows6.1-KB2693010-x86.msu or for Windows6.1-KB2719375-x86.msu, you'll find a torrent that contains those two hotfixes for x86.
Thanks for the reply. I did actually look at some torrents but unfortunately there arent any seeders left of most. The 1 that i did download unfortunately didnt have the updates i was looking for. Guess ill have to figure out exactly what is causing this issue.
No, it require to check Windows Defender state online, if used or not if you don't intend to use WD, you can integrate the update offline after booting image, manually disable and delete WD tasks Code: Microsoft\Windows Defender\MP Scheduled Scan
Thank you! If I move KB3046269 to the Security folder for example from WHDownloader does your W7UI script integrate it normally? One general doubt about your W7UI script. If I configure LDRbranch=OFF will it install only the GDR versions of all files even for updates that have LDR versions? And with LDRbranch=ON will it install only the LDR versions of the files for every update that has this, right?
Yes it will LDRbranch=OFF means it add update.mum for all updates, whether GDR or LDR LDRbranch=ON mean it add update-bf.mum for updates that have it (dual branch), otherwise update.mum is added so, the option does not affect one branch updates