Hi, how can I create an image for a bootstick WIndows 7 with Simplix update and all new updates but without garbage updates!?? Thanks
And what about this? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-wim-esd-creation.79421/page-86#post-1720846
Somehow I don't believe you... You're asking specifically for Simplix UpdatePack. That means you probably have an idea of what it is - all the necessary updates and minimum/no telemetry. Now your question is how to use it - you go to the actual simplix thread and you read.
if it's meant to be online installed on a live windows install: Code: dism /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:x:\kbnumber.cab Offline integration on a mounted wim: Code: DISM /Image:y:\MountFolder /Add-Package /PackagePath:x:\kbnumber.cab
On the .NET Frameworks updates, do I need to install those cab files as well? And if so, where do I extract them to? Thanks
So they're unnecessary? Why make them available for download, anyway? And thanks for responding to me.
Those are metadata text files for Windows Update they should not show up in catalog download, but mistakes happen