Windows 7 Image Updater - SkyLake\KabyLake\CoffeLake\Ryzen Threadripper

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Atak_Snajpera, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    And I thought you are the "smart guy" here...
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Don't be an ass, just answer the question or explain why there is no ISO and why it just did 2 indices, why it decompresses and re-archives it before its even serviced.
  3. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    Just apply patch and stop whining ,ok?

    Really you don't know the answer???
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #124 Enthousiast, Mar 8, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    You don't want any feedback it seems, or provide any info, that's a nice attitude for a dev.

    And i can't find any info about why there is a need for decompressing wims to be able to service,

    This is straight forward:
    dism.exe /Get-WimInfo /wimFile:"g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\boot.wim"
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.16299.15
    Details for image : g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\boot.wim
    Index : 1
    Name : Microsoft Windows PE (x64)
    Description : Microsoft Windows PE (x64)
    Size : 985,750,801 bytes
    Index : 2
    Name : Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    Description : Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
    Size : 1,072,858,042 bytes
    The operation completed successfully.
    I mounted index 2:
    dism.exe /image:"c:\mount" /Add-Driver /driver:"g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64" /recurse
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.16299.15
    Image Version: 6.1.7601.17514
    Searching for driver packages to install...
    Found 163 driver package(s) to install.
    Installing 1 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Alcor Micro Smart Card Reader\SZCCID.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 2 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Alcor Micro USB Card Reader\AmUStor.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 3 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Alpine Ridge USB\USBController\ausb3xhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 4 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Alpine Ridge USB\USBHub\ausb3hub.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 5 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\AMDPSP\W764A\amdpsp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 6 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Bolton\RAID_CFG\W764A\rccfg.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 7 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Bolton\RAID_Driver\W764A\rcraid.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 8 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Bolton\USB30\amdhub\W764A\amdhub30.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 9 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Bolton\USB30\amdxhc\W764A\amdxhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 10 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Errata\W764A\AMDeFix.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 11 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\Filter\IOV\W764A\AmdIOV.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 12 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\GPIO\W764A\amdgpio2.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 13 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\AHCI\W764A\amd_sata.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 14 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\CIR\W764A\AMDCIR.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 15 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\MINI_IDE\W764A\amdhdc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 16 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\RAID\W764A\ahcix64s.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 17 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\USB30\amdhub\W764A\amdhub30.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 18 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\USB30\amdxhc\W764A\amdxhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 19 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\hseries\UsbFilter\W764A\USBFilter.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 20 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\I2C\W764A\amdi2c.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 21 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\PCI_INF\W764A\AMDPCIDev.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 22 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\RAID_BR\RAID_bottom\W764A\rcbottom.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 23 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\RAID_BR\RAID_cfg\W764A\rccfg.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 24 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\RAID_BR\RAID_driver\W764A\rcraid.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 25 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\SB7xx\CIR\W764A\AmdCIR.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 26 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\SB8xx\CIR\W764A\AmdCIR.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 27 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\SB8xx\UsbFilter\W764A\USBFilter.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 28 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\SMBus\W764A\SMBUSamd.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 29 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\USB30_ZP\amdhub\W764A\amdhub3.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 30 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\USB30_ZP\amdxhc\W764A\amdxhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 31 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\USB31_PT\amdhub\W764A\amdhub31.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 32 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\AMD Chipset\SBDrv\USB31_PT\amdxhc\W764A\amdxhc31.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 33 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Asmedia USB\asmthub3.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 34 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Asmedia USB\asmtxhci.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 35 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\athdfu.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 36 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\atheros_bth.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 37 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_a2dp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 38 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_audio_flt.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 39 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_bus.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 40 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_flt.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 41 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_hcrp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 42 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_hid.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 43 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_lwflt.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 44 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_pan.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 45 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_rcp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 46 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\btath_vdp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 47 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\BthAthFax.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 48 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Bluetooth\leath_hid.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 49 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Wireless\11AC\netathr7x.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 50 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Atheros Wireless\11N\netathrx.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 51 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Broadcom Wireless\bcmwl6.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 52 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Eltron Technology USB\EtronXHCI.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 53 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Genesys Card Reader\GeneStor.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 54 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel AHCI\iaAHCIC.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 55 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel AHCI\iaStorAC.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 56 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Camera\SR300Camera.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 57 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Camera\SR300DfuDriver.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 58 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Camera\SR300UsbFilter.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 59 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\ApolloLake\ApolloLakeSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 60 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Baytrail-I\Baytrail-ISystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 61 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Braswell\BraswellSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 62 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Broadwell\BroadwellSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 63 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Common\CommonSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 64 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\CougarPoint\CougarPointSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 65 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\CougarPoint\CougarPointUSB.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 66 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Haswell\HaswellSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 67 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\IvyBridge\IvyBridgeSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 68 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Kabylake\KabylakeSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 69 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Kabylake\KabylakeSystemGMM.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 70 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\KabyLakePCH-H\KabyLakePCH-HSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 71 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\KabyLakePCH-H\KabyLakePCH-HSystemLPSS.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 72 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\KabyLakePCH-H\KabyLakePCH-HSystemNorthpeak.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 73 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\KabyLakePCH-H\KabyLakePCH-HSystemThermal.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 74 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\LynxPoint\LynxPointSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 75 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Lynxpoint-HRefresh\Lynxpoint-HRefreshSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 76 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\LynxPointLP\LynxPointLPSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 77 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\PantherPoint\PantherPointSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 78 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Patsburg\PatsburgSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 79 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Patsburg\PatsburgUSB.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 80 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SandyBridge\SandyBridgeSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 81 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Skylake\SkylakeSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 82 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Skylake\SkylakeSystemGMM.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 83 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-H\SunrisePoint-HSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 84 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-H\SunrisePoint-HSystemLPSS.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 85 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-H\SunrisePoint-HSystemThermal.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 86 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-LP\SunrisePoint-LPSDHost.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 87 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-LP\SunrisePoint-LPSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 88 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-LP\SunrisePoint-LPSystemLPSS.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 89 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-LP\SunrisePoint-LPSystemNorthpeak.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 90 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\SunrisePoint-LP\SunrisePoint-LPSystemThermal.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 91 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\ValleyView2\ValleyView2System.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 92 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\ValleyView2\ValleyView2USB.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 93 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Wellsburg\WellsburgSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 94 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\Wellsburg\WellsburgUSB.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 95 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\WildcatPointLP\WildcatPointLPSystem.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 96 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Chipset\WildcatPointLP\WildcatPointLPUSB.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 97 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel DPTF\dptf_acpi.inf\dptf_acpi.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 98 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel DPTF\dptf_cpu.inf\dptf_cpu.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 99 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel DPTF\dptf_pch.inf\dptf_pch.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 100 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel DPTF\esif_manager.inf\esif_manager.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 101 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel IO\iaLPSS2_GPIO2_SKL.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 102 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel IO\iaLPSS2_I2C_SKL.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 103 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO100\Winx64\NDIS62\fei62x64.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 104 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1c62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 105 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1d62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 106 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1e6232e.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 107 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1k62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 108 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1q62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 109 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1r62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 110 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1s62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 111 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\e1y62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 112 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS62\v1q62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 113 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO40GB\Winx64\NDIS62\i40ea62.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 114 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PRO40GB\Winx64\NDIS62\i40eb62.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 115 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\ixe62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 116 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\ixn62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 117 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\ixs62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 118 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\ixt62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 119 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\sxb62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 120 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\vxn62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 121 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel LAN\PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\vxs62x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 122 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel MEI\heci.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 123 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel NVMe\IaNVMe.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 124 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel USB\HCSwitch\iusb3hcs.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 125 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel USB\Win7\iusb3hub.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 126 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel USB\Win7\iusb3xhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 127 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Wireless\Netwsw01.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 128 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Wireless\Netwsw02.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 129 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Intel Wireless\Netwsw04.INF: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 130 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\OCZ Toshiba NVMe\ocznvme.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 131 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Plextor NVMe\nvme.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 132 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Bluetooth\RtkA2dp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 133 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Bluetooth\RtkAvrcp.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 134 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Bluetooth\Rtkfilter.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 135 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtAsus.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 136 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtChFJ.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 137 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtChHP.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 138 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtChHPC.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 139 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtChTS.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 140 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtDell.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 141 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeBA.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 142 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeJ.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 143 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeJA.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 144 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeJE.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 145 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeShA.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 146 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeShF.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 147 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeShL.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 148 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeShS.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 149 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeShV.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 150 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtLeSLF.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 151 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtNec.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 152 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Camera\RtsUVC64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 153 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Card Reader\RtsBaStorX.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 154 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Card Reader\RtsP2StorX.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 155 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Card Reader\RtsPerX.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 156 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Card Reader\RtsPStorX.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 157 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Card Reader\RtsUerXSDO.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 158 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek LAN\rt64win7.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 159 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Realtek Wireless\netrtwlane.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 160 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Renesas Electronics USB\rusb3hub.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 161 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Renesas Electronics USB\rusb3xhc.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 162 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Rivet Networks LAN\e2xw7x64.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    Installing 163 of 163 - g:\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Windows7\Drivers\x64\Samsung NVMe\secnvme.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
    The operation completed successfully.
  5. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    so if i understand well, by applying the patch you just posted, the problem which was noted (running the tool including all the editions) before by several of us will be solved. Correct ?
    if so, could you please tell us what was causing that problem, that would be beneficial for all the members here.
  6. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    #126 Atak_Snajpera, Mar 8, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    Time saving! Working with decompressed image is just faster. Another reason. When you unmount image, files are automatically compressed again. Multiple that process by number of editions and you will understand what I mean. If you haven't noticed LZMS-solid compression can take a while even on 16 thread cpu!
  7. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    How do you explain that a lot of members including me who have tested the tool by including all the editions faced the same problem (the process integration stopps suddenly and does not have the time to move to next professional edition) ?
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It takes more time to do all that then just using the optimize options or just rebuild the wim. Time saving would be to just run all once on one winre.wim and use that to copy to the others, when multiple indices are selected to service.
  9. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    I did practical tests so do not argue with me on this topic,ok? Working on decompressed install.wim is faster. Deal with it! Period!
    Decompressed winre.wim improves compression of install.wim significantly!
    You should know that overall compression efficiency drops if you try to compress another compressed file!
    Winre.wim sits inside install.wim if you haven't noticed that already!
  10. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    I didn't know that, thank you for this info.
    Could you please be so kind as to answer the question in my previous post ?
  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    WIM exclude compressing these files inside it by default:
    *.wim *.swm *.mp3 *.zip *.cab *.wmv *.wma *.dvr-ms *.pnf
  12. LostED

    LostED SVF Patch Lover

    Jul 30, 2009
        File: Windows_7_Image_Updater-DC20180308.7z
      CRC-32: 2fe95c74
         MD5: 36af19f6db1d50a299869ed3fb0d2e51
       SHA-1: ad8e22c047e229334a08bd3a5e0ed2838797c6f6
     SHA-256: afac097a62b951752b147a4ab06b86c48c106310e1fdf2b66e7731537aff8767
    SHA3-256: f2d9db3485a52ee5fbb4fbb82e3db8c3ba12d8391c850e49608887da81828fd3
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. felix3650

    felix3650 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2014
    Any chance it would support updating with Simplix's pack instead of "regular" updates?
  14. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    I didn't know that Simplix pack uses some magic non-regular updates.
    Well, I prefer regular updates downloaded from microsoft's servers...
  15. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    and where do you think updates that Simplix Pack is using come from ? from microsoft server's as well.
  16. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    Your sarcasm detector needs adjustments...
  17. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    The way you're ignoring other member's questions needs some adjustments as well.
  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  19. Atak_Snajpera

    Atak_Snajpera MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    Not available. Author of WuaCpuFix does not see reason to support x86. Personally I understand his decision.

    Majority of you (if not all) understand english.

    ----------------[ UPDATING LANGUAGE FILE ]----------------
    [2018-03-09 15:23:14] Scanning "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\Delphi_Projects\Windows_7_Image_Updater\Installer\lang.ini" (loading as WIM path: "\sources\lang.ini")...
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15]
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15] 78 bytes scanned (1 files, 0 directories)   
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15] 78 bytes scanned (1 files, 0 directories)   
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15] Updating "\sources\lang.ini" in WIM image
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15]
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15] Archiving file data: 0 bytes of 78 bytes (0%) done
    [2018-03-09 15:23:15] Archiving file data: 0 bytes of 0 bytes (0%) done
    setupcomplete.cmd does not install any updates in online mode.
