Windows 7 Installation Guide

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by jlgager, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. sasabor

    sasabor MDL Novice

    Apr 14, 2017
    #181 sasabor, Apr 14, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
    Friends when I do update - ATI Radeon HD 5450, after the restart not run explorer, there's nothing on the screen and I can not work anything.someone how to fix it? For the third time stew system and again the same
  2. Slee_

    Slee_ MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2017
    I'm trying to install Win 7 but whenever I boot it up to begin the installation, my mouse and keyboard stop working. Can anyone help me fix this?
  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    What is your mobo model?
  4. Slee_

    Slee_ MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2017
    I'm using the Asus x370 Prime Pro.
    I've tried using the usb 2.0 ports on my case and enabling XHCI Hand-off in my bios but the problem persists.
  5. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    How's your Legacy USB support at the moment? In all similar cases I encountered, enabling the legacy usb support solved the issue.
  6. Slee_

    Slee_ MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2017
    I've tried enabling and disabling it aswell. No change.
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Did you try to pre-integrate the USB3 drivers into boot.wim?
  8. Slee_

    Slee_ MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2017
    #189 Slee_, Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
    Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I'm a complete novice. However, I did attempt to follow Tito's advice on this thread I used the first tool he provided but it didn't seem to change anything. I tried using the 2nd one aswell, but the program wasn't as noob friendly as the first.

    Update: Okay so I figured out the problem. I went to the device manager to verify that the drivers were integrated properly but for some odd reason every driver was installed except the usb 3.0 Asmedia Host controller driver. Luckily the usb 3.1 drivers were installed and I was able to connect my mouse and kb to those and get it working.
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You could try one of @Tito's advises and download the win 10 iso and replace the win 10 install.wim with the win 7 SP1 install.wim and boot it up, then it will have the support for USB3 too during boot.
  10. Slee_

    Slee_ MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2017
    I'll be sure to do that, thank you for the guidance.
  11. Smokva

    Smokva MDL Novice

    May 13, 2017
    I am in the prep stages of reinstalling windows 7, and am attempting to identify potential issues I may have and trying to address them in advance. One of these is the fact that my DVD burner is external, and connected via usb port. I know there are sometimes issues with usb ports (I have experienced it myself during an attempt to repair) and am somewhat concerned that I may end up locking out the install process right after the initial boot. Is there a setting in bios that I should activate/deactivate before starting the process? I have a ASRock H170A-X1/3.1, and to be honest, am a little confused about the setup of my USBs. The front should have 2x3.0 ports (it says so right below the access points), but they look like 2.0s. (Possibly an error during assembly?) And the back of my case seems to show nothing but blue usb 3.0s. So I'm not certain if they are reliable. Is there any way to troubleshoot this potential issue before I actually attempt a reinstall?
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I would suggest to install directly from USB drive.

    Check the asrock support pages for a USB3 integration tool, it will integrate the correct usb3 drivers into the boot.wim and install.wim.

    Or when you use Simplix pack it will integrate an USB3.x installer which installs the USB3.x drivers into the install.wim. And you could manually integrate the USB3.x drivers (from winraid website or asrock support pages) into the boot.wim (both indexes).

    Now you can boot the usb installmedium,
  13. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Smokva

    Smokva MDL Novice

    May 13, 2017
    @Enthousiast and @Joe C
    Thank you both. I didn't realize that the simplex pack had 3.0 integration. I actually believe my download has the simplex pack as it is labelled as being up to date until June 13. My goal is to create my own custom integrated install disk based on instructions/guidance found here, but this computer needs to be stable (its for work) so I am hesitant to experiment on it to that degree - hence the download.

    My only issue with the simplex pack and my current download is the IE11 integration. I never use IE, and my research has come up with numerous references to IE10 & 11 either coming bundled with unwanted updates and actually interfering with some display properties. I was hoping to limit my IE to v9 as I know that version is often a prerequisite for some utility programs. Hopefully I will be able to downgrade.

    I've actually spent a lot of time finding & upgrading my drivers so I can create a decent driver back-up. But of course, my ports need to work in order for that to be successful. :) Would you guys recommend I do the reinstall offline to prevent MS from automatically downloading its own drivers? They tend to be quite old even though they read as up to date. And I've had a heck of a time upgrading my current ones and STILL have weird 'unknown' devices showing up that don't exist - and they change after various restarts. I'd love to be able to bypass this problem with the fresh install and think that controlling the driver install may help. However... I think that my download is using loader2.2.2 which does the verification automatically and I would hate to mess that up.

    Wow... possibly TMI.
    To simplify:
    1. Is there a way to confirm that my download is using loader 2.2.2 and simplex?
    2. If so, should I install offline to force my own drivers to install rather than MS, or am I just courting more problems?
    3. Is it possible to downgrade IE11 if its integrated into the install?
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    1. Open the "iso\sources\install.wim\windows\setup\scripts\" using 7zip and you can see what's in there. (or iso\sources\$OEM$\setup\scripts\"
    2. I always let WU/MU run and install the drivers offered (and when i need to i manually install the official drivers from the manufacturer of the hardware)
    3. It should be possible to do but i never had any problems with having the latest MSIE11 onboard (always better then unsupported/vulnerable earlier versions)
    3b. when you make it yourself you can decide wether to integrate MSIE11, use DAZ Windows Loader, etcetc...
  16. Smokva

    Smokva MDL Novice

    May 13, 2017
    @Enthousiast Hmmm... I see the loader but no reference to simplex pack. Makes me wonder what is included to be 'updated until June'. I do see Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86.msu, as well as dotNetFx47_Full_x86_x64.exe . It was this more complete solution (dotNet, Direct X..) as well as my perceived reputation of the uploader that made this file so attractive. But now I'm second guessing myself... I hate the idea of experimenting on this computer with my still newbie skills but perhaps that is the best way to be certain. Darn. I'm already soooo behind schedule. :( Thanks for your help. It's quite probable that you saved me a lot of time in the long run.
  17. Smokva

    Smokva MDL Novice

    May 13, 2017
    @Enthousiast I think you are correct. I actually don't see any reference to anything with 'wim' anywhere. I don't think the simplex pack is utilized at all. So since I truly do not wish to go into a long and tedious process of checking/uninstalling updates, I think I will simply delete the download to be safe.
    I actually thought that the uploader was/is a member of this forum and a respected one at that. So to be fair, the preconceptions were mine alone. And perhaps I'm wrong on all fronts and am just incapable of reading the iso properly... but I cannot afford yet another screw up on my new system (the last one wasn't mine but has still wasted over a week of my time.. this next screw up I will totally own :).)
    I'll just have to speed up my learning curve and attempt to create a disk myself.
  18. hemlatuyda

    hemlatuyda MDL Novice

    Jul 1, 2017
    Downloaded X17-59186.iso that is Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Used MSI Smart Tool to install it on USB stick(required because of USB 3.0 compatibility). But instead of Pro I got Home Basic installed somehow. Anybody know what to do?