Windows 7 SP1 RTM 7601.17514.101119-1850 leaked

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by torko26, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    On the menu, they appear in the same order you integrated them in the WIM file with imagex program, ie index1 then index2 then index3 ......

    It's up to you to integrate them in the order you want.
  2. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009

    Genlang command was used on all indexes in install.wim and like i said, i cant even localize windows setup (#2)
  3. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    #1963 ttmax, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011

    Genlang or lang.ini manual update have to be done in boot.wim index 2 if you want to be able to choose language during a boot setup. Same apply in DVD \Sources folder for an upgrade setup.

    You need to localize both boot.wim indexes. If you get this message when you do that localisation, it's probably because you don't use the right packages. I personnally use the ones found in AIK Supplement Iso (SP1 ones).
    In my procedure (see my post on that subject), there's the complete script that do this as part of the job, you can use it as an example.

    Hope this helps
  4. Kouryu

    Kouryu MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    just edit the freaking file manually.... I don't trust the genlang util
  5. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    So you can use whichever edition that you want as a base image (retail or volume) and extract into that as you see fit? Everyone seems to use Ultimate retail x86 as the base, so I wasn't sure.
  6. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    #1966 ttmax, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
    It doesn't matter. Every version of the Iso DVD (for one architecture, x86 or x64) on technet or wzor contains the exact same install.wim . Only file sources\ei.cfg make the difference (starter or ultimate ... , retail or OEM ...). And ei.cfg is not contained in install.wim.

    It's only architecture dependant . To build every version you need only 2 Iso dvd : one x86 and one x64.

    The only exception is Win 7 enterprise version, which stands alone on its Iso DVD. One unique index in its install.wim.

    The same apply to Win 7 N versions . One x86 and one x64 DVD needed, whatever the version you use, and eventually one of each Enterprise N Dvd.
  7. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    @ttmax, great, thanks. Assuming you want retail and Enterprise (like I do), it seems to me that if you want the ultimate control of the order, you have to use Enterprise as the base, since it has just the one index. Then you can add in the other Enterprise and the retails exactly as you want. If you start with a retail, then you're stuck with that initial 4 (or 5, in the case of x86) in a fixed order.
  8. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    You could do it that way :

    . Put Win 7 x86 DVD in W: drive
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 1 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 2 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 3 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 4 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 5 New_install.wim
    . Put Win 7 Enterprise x86 DVD in W: drive
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 1 New_install.wim
    . Put Win 7 x64 DVD in W: drive
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 1 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 2 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 3 New_install.wim
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 4 New_install.wim
    . Put Win 7 Enterprise x64 DVD in W: drive
    imagex /export /compress maximum W:\sources\install.wim 1 New_install.wim

    You'll get a new file "New_Install.wim" with 11 indexes in it and Win 7 in that order : x86(Starter/HB/HP/Pro/Ult/Ent)/x64(HB/HP/Pro/Ult/Ent) . Just rename it Install.wim.

    Now instead, you change the order of previous Imagex commands, and you get your menu choice in the order you want. You can choose which ever order you want (x86 Starter then x64 HB then x86 Ult ...). This doesn't matter , it works the same.
  9. donalgodon

    donalgodon MDL Member

    Jul 21, 2010
    If I installed Ultimate from the .iso in this thread, do I need to use the update released today, or can I just ignore it and keep using everything and still get future updates?
  10. Kouryu

    Kouryu MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    I guess you haven't been following this thread...
    the leaked ISOs from a month ago are EXACTLY the same as the MSDN ones, and also the SP1 update is EXACTLY the same as what came out today

    so no, you don't have to do anything!
  11. DARKOR04

    DARKOR04 MDL Tester/Developer

    Jul 5, 2010
    @ Everyone

    Stop the fuzzing about SP1 please, it's already available on Windows Updates....:)
  12. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Im using winpe_fps packages which seemed to worked earlier on my computer I think..

    Worked hundred times before and it is updated.
  13. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    Inside one architecture, the only difference between the DVD for W7 Enterprise and any other one for W7 (retail, oem, N versions, professional, ultimate, starter .....) resides in 2 files : install.wim and ei.cfg , both in \Sources directory.
    So whatever you have to do which doesn't need these 2 files can be done from every DVD.

    This is architecture dependant of course , x64 and x86 DVD aren't interchangeables.
  14. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    Right, and that last part is what I meant: considering that with an AIO disk you're going to be installing both architectures, apparently you cannot perform an x86 installation from an AIO that's mastered from an x64 disk, though you can do the opposite.
  15. Kouryu

    Kouryu MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    so any MSDN/technet members here that can download the MSDN release of the zh-tw language pack ISOs?
  16. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Yes, please do!
  17. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    When mastering the DVD , you choose if you want a x64 or x86 one.

    For a boot setup (install on new disk) it doesn't matter, you'll be able to install every version x86 and x64 with that DVD ( if all 11 indexes are in its install.wim).
    For an upgrade install you'll be only allowed to upgrade in the same architecture than the one used for the DVD creation.
    I personnally prefer to create and use a x86 DVD, as that can help if you want to install on a PC with a processor that doesn't support 64bits. Generally I never do upgrade installs.
    My sample script in my thread create x86 and x64 DVDs, both with all 11 indexes.

    There's another thread here that help/explain you how to create a DVD with both architectures, don't remember where ...
  18. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    #1979 tcntad, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
    Isnt that the Create aio with full blablabla or something? :p

    This issues im having right now with dism and localization, how I will solve it? I shoudnt have to localize winre.wim nor index 1 of boot.wim so i can choose language for windows during setup right?!
    I never had to do anything else then localize boot.wim #2 and Install.wim 2-9.

    Edit: I localized Boot.wim #2 and now i can pick language for setup and windows.
  19. ttmax

    ttmax MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2009

    I'm not sure to understand if you're asking a question :confused: , or just tell us it's working now :)