Tell your brother to let an 8 year old operating system go and to stop bitching about newfangled Windows 7.
LOL... I am not a Mac _hater_. I have an iMac... I just know their limitations, and for me, it would be impossible for my main PC to be a Mac... I have used Macs many times... I do love browsing the internet and Macs sure do look pretty and are snappy to use, but they dont have anywhere near the software support of a PC. Especially with Windows 7 being released...which I might add is f***ing awesome, and they finally did "it" right in my there is no reason for me to use a Mac anymore... Windows 7 is awesome, and is way more fun to use than my Mac is.... To each his/her own, but for me, personally, I will probably never touch my Mac ever again... Anyway, have a good day...and I do not hate Macs...
Your right, I should have said Mac basher instead of hater. You better give your iMac away now before Snow Leopard hits the market next month, but then again, you probably can't run it anyway.
Fail This act*vator activates my Asus P5SD2-VM But my father's CPU didnt. It uses the XFX motherboard - MCP73
? I am a Mac "basher" That is a good one. If you actually know me in real life, then you would not say anything so ignorant. But since you have no idea who I even am, I will not take offense. I have used Macs for a long time, ever since the classic Macintosh's in the 1990's and the Macintosh II series in the mid-90's. I loved my classic Macintosh with the CRT monitor attached right to the computer...the beige box...the keyboard and the single-button mouse. I remember the pink-ish colored desktop it had... It seems like it was so long ago... I used to love using Macs way more than PC's with their DOS and crappy Windows 3.1 (or WFW 3.11). I would loathe having to revert back to the command line or a crappy shell... ...But things change, and the PC has come a long way in 20 years. I remember that I had so much hope when Windows 2000 came out, since it was the first MS Windows OS that ran on my PC without problems and without crashing... Windows XP was better, but still paled in comparison to Apple's OS... Vista was a step in the right direction, but it was not enough...there were still too many problems and difficulties. Now it is 2009 and Microsoft has come a long, long way from their initial DOS days. Windows 7 is everything Windows should have been to begin with. It is stable, quick, and aesthetically is a very slick OS and is the culmination of years and years worth of effort. Now that I am using Windows 7, I can't even imagine going back to XP or Vista...or a Mac. It is not due to any dislike of Apple's fine OS... And BTW ripcord01, I think my duo core iMac would run Snow Leopard just fine. But all it gets used for is the internet...just sits on a desk next to my I cant really justify spending any more money on it (even though it is only like $30...). Anyway, somewhere long the lines of my comment I strayed from the point, and that is that I have nothing against Macs. They are great. I just like my PC running Windows 7 better, and as far as software support goes, the PC cannot be beat. Period. Ever since I have installed Windows 7 on one of the laptops in my house, that laptop is the only computer I have been is that good... Proof enough should be the fact that Mac users are trying to install it on their Macs... Anyway, get your facts straight ripcord01. I don't dislike Macs, I dislike the people using Macs who have the nerve to complain that the lo*der does not work for them...and then have the nerve to tell the maker of the lo*der that they should "fix" their lo*der so that it works... Hello? You are using PC software on a Mac. If you can get it to work, be grateful, do not complain because people do not know how to help you ripcord01. If you can't figure something out, start a new thread and ask the question out in the General Discussion area... As far I am concerned, Hazar did a great job putting this lo*der together, and we owe him thanks. Best regards and have a good day
I love how you quote my whole comment, then say it is too long; don't So your comment in total takes up more space than mine...
Hard Drive Type I found out this act**ator does not work on a dynamic disk. I was experimenting with an old disk hanging around. I installed windows 7 ready to go version (really good) and decided to try Hazar's .. the system would not boot. After wiping the disk using the disk mfgrs utility and reinstalling Win 7... Hazar's tool then worked. MAKE SURE YOUR DISK IS BASIC NOT DYNAMIC.
Thanks. ...Just wanted to clear that up ASAP, as I am no Mac! I dont mind when people call me on what I say, but when they say things that are completely wrong about me, I feel somewhat compelled to correct them... I do not go around saying others are "Mac haters", or "whatever haters"...that is just silly...and unneeded... Good day, and thanks again Hazar... I know that this thread is supposed to be just for your lo*der...which worked perfectly on my PC BTW.
HotCarl, Compelled to correct them, bull! Perhaps you should go back and read your initial response to me and she how one could easily interpret you to be a Mac basher! I will no longer bother responding to your dribble or your dual personality! Good day!
ROFL... Someone has personal problems/issues I suppose... lol. Maybe you should take your meds... In my previous posts all I have said to you is: a) if you use a Mac to run windows 7, and can't get the lo*der to work right, don't complain to the lo*der's maker to "fix" their lo*der, it was not made to run on a Mac; b) If you cannot get the lo*der to work properly, make a new General Discussion thread, or ask in the thread already present there dealing with Windows 7 on not troll in here ripcord01. Your ignorant comments bring shame to your own self...e.g. "you make yourself look dumb the more you comment"... I guess it is humourous though... Good day ripcord01. I sincerely hope that you can find something better to do with your time than troll forums...
If you read the article you would see I didnt say it's the end of the world - they did. I just said check it out. And your nasty, anal retentive smug answer once again proves no good deed ever goes unpunished. God, I hate every one of you asshole PC BB know-it-all people so much I can almost taste it.