Grasping at straws. They need to spread the FUD somehow... They did the same thing with the release of Vista, claiming it to be the worst release in Microsoft history (and let everyone forget the abysmal release that XP was in terms of peripheral hardware compatibility). Sure Vista had some issues, and still does... but it was never as bad as people made it out to be. You'll see people like them come out of the woodwork as soon as Windows 7 pre-installed PCs start to ship/hit shelves.
I've spent enough time making peoples' vista work like their XP to know it wasn't a logical progression. Maybe it was like 3.1 to 95, but now your consumer base is made up of completely different people.
What the f**k about "I didnt say anything about the bug - they did" is unclear to you. I am not panicking people, or being sarcastic. I just posted the goddamn link and quoted it. And furthermore, no one cares whether YOU think its a big bug. The only bugs important to you are the ones crawling around in your pubic hair.
Wow... That time of the month eh? This fodder has been cast around so many forums frisbee... And on top of that, you are posting this BS in a lo*der thread...completely off topic if you want to be a dick about things...go post it in the thread that has already been started a while ago concerning this subject instead of being a troll... Your comments are foolish and the fact that you have to resort to a feeble insult to attempt to get your point across is more proof that you are in fact a troll and not even worth my time... I tire of your feeble banter... Go elsewhere with your BS...
Yes...but why must I be respectful of others who show no respect at all...? Furthermore, they post the same "chkdisk" "showstopper" crap all over this forum and like 10 others... It is BS... All he succeeds in doing is to cause an undue panic... There is an abundance of novice users, especially since the lo*ders have been released...who can easily be panicked by FUD like this... It is completely un-needed, especially in this thread.
Do you have to put ellipses between all your thoughts? I understand your points, and I've actually read a few of them(*pats self on back*), but you can say the same s**t without becoming a verbal annoyance.
May I ask why you are so sensitive then to how others type? Why does it matter to you? ...just curious, as I do not bother myself with such trivial things as others typing... Do you complain when a foreigner types in broken English? May I suggest whiteout? You are going to be annoyed a lot with an attitude like that...
Because it reads like you're trolling and suck at structuring thoughts and ideas into sentences and paragraphs. Maybe I have OCD - or maybe you do.
Well, not to be rude, but all I can say to you is to lighten cannot expect everyone to type like you. I don't know how something so trivial could be such an annoyance. There are far bigger worries and issues on my mind that how someone's typing is grammatically incorrect...or has too many ellipses... I guess in the end it is "to each their own"... I type how I think, I didnt think I needed to fill in all the gaps since people are rational, thinking beings and usually have no problems filling in the gaps. It is just quicker for me to type like that some times than to fully type & express every single word when a lot of it can be implied through ellipses. EDIT: BTW, if you are curious, sometimes I use an ellipses to invoke a slight pause into the sentence, kind of like implying a pause for thought & reflection before continuing on with the thought process. EDIT2: Then feel free to sum it up, or don't read it at all gastro. If I don't want to read something, I don't. No one forces me to read anything. You complain about something you have complete control over, no one is forcing you to read anything. ...and I "preconceive" nothing except the fact that everyone is capable of rational, coherent thought. You ought to take your own advice about trolling...
It's not your ellipses that bother me as much as it is your preconceived notion that people want to read several paragraphs you've written about an idea that could be summed up in three words.
Hey guys, i think you all have said more than enough. You are making this thread "dirty" with posts that have nothing to do with the subject. Please respect others who will be forced to read all those irrelevant posts. Enough is enough. Thank you.
When i try to activate with loder. it says There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \decive\harddisk1\DR1 Please. help me!
It. comes when i try to install lo*der. i can click continue. and it says reboot.. When i have reboot my pc. i check in. My Computer. Properties. It says 29 days left... @Daz: Im gonna test that tomorrow. . Have too sleep naow
Upgraded Vista Ultimate, on dual boot, to Windows 7 Ultimate. Ran Hazar's lo*der from desktop and all activated. Works like a treat. Thank you Hazar. LoL