Quick example of how to integrate patches with DISM. Code: * Build a Windows 8.1 USB (it is easier this way) (8gb minimum size...) * Open "Assessment and Imaging Tools Environment" as Administrator * Mount the install.wim (example command: ) Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"install.wim" /index:1 /MountDir:"c:\mount\mountedimage" * Add the patches... Dism /Add-Package /Image:"c:\mount\mountedimage" /PackagePath:"patch.msu" Verify: Dism /Get-Packages /Image:"c:\mount\mountedimage" * Finalize: (Do this when you have integrated all the stuff you like) Dism /Unmount-WIM /MountDir:"c:\mount\mountedimage" /Commit Done!
I think you can use the Download Integrator tool... And just integrate the patches via integrate patches section. Correct me if i am wrong...
I only see integrate service packs. Anyone able to give me a blow by blow of how to add these with Download Integrator? Thanks.
Thanks Alpha for that program I now have the latest integrated. I have a question. People post that certain order if you were doing them 3 updates manually. How would Windows know what order since I integrated them 3 into my install .iso? Thanks.
I installed them in numerical order KB2883200, KB2894029, KB2894179 as I had not seen ColdZero's post they all installed correctly
The Rollup for OCt contains a readme: Code: Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1 & Windows Server 2012 – Oct 2013 – README Recommended Install Order 1. KB2894179 2. KB2883200 3. KB2894029 If you use dism with "/Add-Package /PackagePath" it will install them in numerical order. I can't see any difference in either method...
I have 1 more observation. Can someone explain this. My iso from Win 8.1 that was released last month to OEM,the size is 3.62(3,897,927,680)and size on disk is(3,897,929,728). My new 8.1 iso that I slipstreamed them 3 updates is now 3.62GB(3,897,733,120),the size on disk is (3,897,733,120). Them updates were over 200MB...Shouldn't the iso be much larger than origninal? Thanks.
So, do this new updates replace old ones? Because I can still see them in WU update history. Should I remove them?