Updating JB-system is quite easy: No future security cumulative roll-up, all of DotNET, all of Adobe Flash, all of Windows Defender, all of Office, all of IE11 Cumulatives (if I can find any)... )))
Please read it, it do not modify system files, all is done in update package file, basically in a new *.dll that was created only for CPU detection. Perhapps you can find a good idea and make your own, I know you are very capable for this. Or maybe a patch on the fly wich will be even better approach. Best Regards taviruni
I know the fix and i follow the discussion at Github good luck in creating memory patcher or something elegant for now, affected users should consider manually installing updates with DISM it's only one big update per month, and one for .NET/Flash otherwise, they can uninstall the sub-package that holds WUA with install_wim_tweak.exe Code: install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_387_for_kb4015546~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_228_for_kb4015546~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_855_for_kb4015549~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_478_for_kb4015549~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_96_for_kb4015547~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_31_for_kb4015547~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_565_for_kb4015550~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ /r install_wim_tweak /o /n /c package_440_for_kb4015550~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ /r
aaaa, compressed CABS, thanks... Do you also have links to: W10 DotNET4: Windows10.0-KB3186568-x64.cab Windows10.0-KB3186568-x86.cab W10 DotNET4CZ_LP: Windows10.0-KB3186572-x64.cab Windows10.0-KB3186572-x86.cab W81 DotNET4CZ_LP: Windows8.1-KB3186544-x64.cab Windows8.1-KB3186544-x86.cab ?
On all my W8-1 WU now offers this necro stuff: KB3008923 MS IE 11 Cumulative Security Update This one is the oldest of all necro stuff so far offered: 1. KB3185319 MS IE 11 Cumulative Security Update 2. KB3021952 MS IE 11 Cumulative Security Update Dunno, why this one KB3008923 has appeared now...?