New monthly rollups are installing MS Edge by default. Is there any way to, script, command to completely remove it?
KB3179574 - was replaced / removed in September after using: Code: DISM /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup Yesterday I did a Core / Pro image update. WU does not show this update.
@Gilbert1990 It's still not completely superseded for Enterprise edition, and Server editions it contain the latest RemoteApp binaries (rdpshell.exe) for both, and MsLbfoProvider.sys for servers
After installing Rollup KB5008263 and running a resetbase, the rollup fix for 2021-11 is still shown in the packages output. The 2021-12 rollup is shown as a package and not as a rollup fix. Shouldn't the restbase remove the update from 2021-11? Code: Package_for_KB5008263~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.20207.1.9 Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.20174.1.16
Someone missed up, and now it will break the supersedence chain resetbase or component cleanup does not remove updates with shared components KB5008244 only have few new components, the rest are the same as previous rollup(s) the whole point of Package_for_RollupFix is to supersede older rollups automatically Win7 Rollup KB5008244 don't have this mistake
After updating W8.1 in October with a resetbase, KB3179574 no longer appears in any of my later package lists. WU hasn't re-offered it either. I just noticed this now after cross checking my updates. According to komm's last KUC for November: "This package is for Enterprise or Server editions only." Did MSFT mess up again or am I okay and can leave the kb out as it is now? Code: Package_for_KB3179574~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~