I have both SSU 3173424 and 5016264 installed. I guess only 1 KB gets reoffered depending on the last SSU installed. For me it was 3172729
Had "Server can't be found." for two days. Seems I was very unlucky this time. Yes, thanks, that's more permanent.
FYI: On my system, resetbase keeps removing KB3172729 although when searching for updates afterwards, WU wants it back. So I have to either avoid resetbase if KB3172729 is integrated as Satisfy WU or I need to hide it.
WSUS Detectoid Code: Title : ESUEditions_Win8_1_08022022 UpdateID: 821C0B37-2031-404C-BBD3-3A55631A13A8 Rules : Enterprise, Professtional, EnterpriseN, ProfesstionalN, EmbeddedIndustry, EmbeddedIndustryE -- Title : ESUEditions_Server2012R2_08022022 UpdateID: D4573AF3-B209-4748-9645-D1DD5421A3C2 Rules : ServerDatacenter, ServerStandard / including Core and Hyper-V variants
@abbodi1406 believe it or not tonight I dreamed of ESU for Windows 8.1 if this information is true I will jet back to the best Windows I've ever seen....